Sid Grauman

Nacimiento : 1879-03-17,

Muerte : 1950-03-05


Hollywood My Home Town
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
Dancing in the Dark
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
Gloria Parkinson (Deanne Durbin) es la hija adolescente de Gwen Taylor (Gail Patrick) una reconocida actriz que ha enviado a Gloria a un internado en Suiza para apartarla de los ojos del público. En parte es por su bien pero, por otro lado, es porque Gwen prefiere que la gente no sepa que tiene los años suficientes para tener una hija de esa edad. Gloria se divierte consigo misma y se gana la admiración de sus compañeros cuando empieza a contar sus extraordinarias historietas acerca de la vuelta al mundo de su millonario padre. Sin embargo, la realidad es otra. Su madre es divorciada y Gloria no tiene padre reconocido hasta el momento. Después de algún tiempo, sus amigos se vuelven escépticos y le reclaman evidencias de la existencia de su padre...
Hollywood Hotel
Sid Grauman (uncredited)
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
En los años del Imperio Romano del reinado de Augusto y su sucesor Tiberio, Judá Ben-Hur, hijo de una familia noble de Jerusalén, y Mesala, tribuno romano que dirige los ejércitos de ocupación, se han convertido en enemigos irreconciliables. Acusado de atentar contra la vida del nuevo gobernador romano, Mesala le encarcela junto a su familia. Cuando se llevan a Ben-Hur a galeras, un joven llamado Jesús de Nazaret se apiada de él y le da de beber.
La quimera del oro
Extra in Chilkoot Pass Climb (uncredited)
Aventuras de un solitario buscador de oro en Alaska, donde se topa con varios personajes rudos, y se enamora de la hermosa Georgia, a la que trata de conquistar.
Sid Grauman
Angela comes to Hollywood with only two things: Her dream to become a movie star, and Grandpa. She leaves an Aunt, a brother, Grandma, and her longtime boyfriend back in Centerville. Despite seeing major movie stars around every corner, and knocking on every casting office door in town, at the end of her first day she is still unemployed. To her horror, when she arrives back at their hotel, she finds that Grandpa has been cast in a movie by William DeMille and quickly becomes a star during the ensuing weeks. Her family, worried that Angela and Grandpa are getting into trouble, come to Hollywood to drag them back home. In short order Aunt, Grandma, brother, boyfriend and even the parrot become superstars, but Angela is still unemployed...