Boris Khmelnitsky

Boris Khmelnitsky

Nacimiento : 1940-06-27, Voroshilov, Primorskiy kray, RSFSR, USSR

Muerte : 2008-02-16


Boris Khmelnitsky


Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba
Durante miles de años, arios y otros pueblos han luchado por la hegemonía en la región de Ucrania. En el siglo XVI, son el polaco y el turco los dos ejércitos que luchan por el poder en la zona. Finalmente la victoria se decanta del lado eslavo, gracias a la ayuda de los cosacos, comandados por Taras Bulba. El jefe de los polacos invita a los jefes aliados a brindar por la victoria. Sin embargo, sus agasajos son despreciados por Bulba, incapaz de subordinarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
One Love of My Soul
Aleksandr Podzhio
Сага древних булгар: Лествица Владимира Красное Солнышко
Jonathan de los osos
Religious Mercenary
Un joven es testigo del asesinato de sus padres. A medida que crece, se hace amigo de un oso del desierto y del cacique de una tribu de indios, con los que se queda a vivir. Al llegar a la edad adulta, empieza a buscar a los responsables de la muerte de sus padres.
The Hetman's Regalia
The film takes place in 1659 when Bohdan Khmelnytsky's son Yuri took power from Hetman Vyhovsky. Supporters of Bohdan Khmelnytsky are trying to help his daughter Olena to save her father's regalia - the symbol of Hetman's power and independence of Ukraine.
Ubiystvo v Sunshine Menor
Joe Alex
Профессор Ян Драммонд, новым изобретением которого заинтересовались русские и американцы, убит у себя в особняке Саншайн Менор при полном стечении гостей. Писатель Джо Алекс, приехавший накануне убийства вместе с актрисой Сарой, и детектив Бен Паркер, прежде чем вычислить истинного убийцу, будут подозревать в преступлении каждого из присутствующих, потому что у каждого были для этого основания и против каждого были улики.
The Caravan Of Death
Mercenary leader
Afghanistan, 1989 - Soviet troops have left Afghanistan, but some Afghan leaders believe that the war is still going on. They have a special order - to destroy a regiment of Russian border guards in Tadzhikistan.
The Adventures of Quentin Durward, Marksman of the Royal Guard
France, XV century. The young Scot, striving to make his worthy efforts, is kindly treated by the king and admitted to the guard. Soon the king entrusts him with a difficult mission - however, the matter turns into an insidious deception. Saving his beloved, the shooter of the guard shows miracles of courage and nobility ...
A young boy nick-named Savraska after his last name (Savrasov) is desperately trying to get money for the March 8th presents to his mother and his classmate Serafima.
Comedy of Lysistrata
Lysistrata led the women of ancient Greece in forcing men to stop the war, that was devastating the land for 21 years. At secret assembly of the women delegates from both sides of the conflict, Lysistrata declared: "We must refrain from the male altogether - till the men come to terms of peace". Her instruction to every wife or mistress was to refuse all sexual favors whatsoever, and sit prettily dressed in best transparent silks, till the men yield to peace.
Etudes on Vrubel
Semyon Gayduk
Film about the painter Mikhail Vrubel's years in Kyiv, from a Sergei Parajanov script.
Tragedy, Rock Style
Dmitriy Ivanovich's Friend
Vitya is a teenage rock-music and motorbike fanatic whose father is arrested for embezzlement. Vitya is devastated, and in this state of shock he falls prey to a supposed mystic called Cassius.
Десять дней, которые потрясли мир
A top American spy is in charge of a delicate mission. The USA plans to infiltrate several U-boats in the sea of Vladivostok, however they need the soviet surveillance satellite to stay 'blind' for a couple of hours, so this spy is sent to damage the antenna for the satellite. Everything was planned accurately. But the CIA never counted on the relentless pursuit of a frontier guard who sees the spy's parachute on landing.
The Black Arrow
Lord Shoreby
Adventurous movie based on classical Robert Louis Stevenson novel.
Жизнь и бессмертие Сергея Лазо
Комический любовник, или Любовные затеи сэра Джона Фальстафа
The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe
Robin Hood
Ivanhoe is the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. It follows the Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who is out of favor with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the Third Crusade, when many of the Crusaders were still returning to their homes in Europe. King Richard, who had been captured by Leopold of Austria on his return journey to England, was believed to still be in captivity.
The Black Triangle
At the Beginning of Glorious Days
Late 17th century. With no access to the sea, Russia suffers great losses in foreign trade. Peter tries to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov, but with no success: he can win only if he has a fleet. Peter’s ukases provoke the Boyars’ indignation. Europe looks in amazement: the Russian tsar begins to work at a Dutch shipyard learning the subtleties of shipbuilding?! But his training is cut short. Peter has to return to Russia in order to brutally suppress the Streltsy rebellion organized by his sister Sophia.
A Story of the Forest: Mavka
Mavka, a water nymph, loves Lukash, a country youth. Their brief happiness ends when Lukash is forced to marry the shrewish Kilina. The Spirit of the Forest turns Lukash into a wolf as punishment for his infidelity. The strength of Mavka's love breaks the spell, but Kilina curses the nymph, transforming her into a weeping willow. This beautiful and tragic story is based on a play written in 1912 by Lesya Ukrainka, a Ukrainian poet, writer and political, civil and female activist, and includes mythological characters taken from Ukrainian folklore.
Antarctic Tale
The events of the film take place in the early sixties of the XX century, when the exploration of Antarctica was just beginning and the ice continent was full of secrets and mysteries. A group of polar explorers, before being sent to their homeland, is given the task of re-preserving the Vostok intracontinental station.
La cacería montaraz del rey Stachus
Ales' Vorona
Un joven estudiante llega a un palacio en un recondito distrito de la rusia imperial investigando en folclore de la zona. Pronto se verá envuelto en los misterios que atenazan a la dueña del lugar y a todos los que la rodean.
A Man Changes its Skin
A story about an events in Tajikistan during 1930s.
Свидетельство о бедности
Геннадий, "Крест"
The Arrows of Robin Hood
Robin Hood
With a traditional archery contest, the winner wins a silver arrow with gold lace and gold feathers. Even Robin Hood, although unrecognizable, takes part in this competition. As more and more participants are losing and Robin Hood eventually wins the award, his masquerade reveals. For none of the participants is as handy with a bow and an arrow like Robin Hood. With the help of his coolness and his friends Robin Hood may escape the dangerous situation.
Defying Everybody
The movie takes us through the trials and tribulations of Petar I Petrovic, the man who united Montenegro in the 18th century and led them in the Battle of Krusi against a huge Turkish army to return victorious and pave the first path towards economic development.
Sing a Song, Poet
About the life and work of the poet Sergei Yesenin, his connection with his native country, its people and nature. Childhood, love, painful searches for his place in the new, revolutionary Russia — everything found a place in Yesenin's lyrics. Frames illustrating Yesenin's poetry and poems are side by side in the film with episodes of the poet's biography: the film reflects the days of his stay in America, World War I, revolution and village round dances, a daring uncle, a wise mother...
And There Was Evening, And There Was Morning
Ordinary story
Count Novinskiy
The film is a play based on the novel “An Ordinary History” by Ivan Goncharov directed by the Sovremennik Moscow Theater. The main roles were played by Oleg Tabakov, Mikhail Kozakov, Lyudmila Ivanova, Anastasia Vertinskaya and others.
La tienda roja
Alfredo Viglieri
Umberto Nobile (Peter Finch) fue el comandante del dirigible "Italia", que en 1928 voló hacia el Polo Norte y se estrelló, causando un reguero de víctimas mortales. Los fantasmas de los que fallecieron se le aparecen ahora para recordarle su culpabilidad y lo que debía haber hecho tanto antes como después del accidente, durante las labores de rescate de la tripulación.
Prince Igor
Prince Igor
Based on opera "Prince Igor" by Borodin.
La víspera de Iván Kupalo
Piotr, un granjero pobre, ama a Pidorka, cuyo padre quiere casarla con un hombre rico. Para conseguirla, Piotr hará un pacto con el demonio Bassavriuk: oro a cambio de la flor del helecho.
Sofiya Perovskaya
Nikolay Kibalchich
A biopic, looking at one of the major leaders of the assassination of Czar Alexander II.
Love Awaits Those Who Return
1941. The soldier, a young poet takes the wounded commander out of the battlefield. The commander dies and the soldier is wounded. He was a long way to test before he gets to the guerrilla group. Title in English is "Love Awaits Those Who Return," according to Joshua First in his book UKRAINIAN CINEMA.