Tras haber sobrevivido a un ataque enemigo, el sargento Denis Quillard posa el pie sobre una mina rusa. Único sobreviviente de su patrulla y atrapado en la mitad del desierto afgano, debe hacer frente a esta situación y afrontar todas las dudas y temores. El enemigo se aproxima. Es cuestión de horas.
The Select Hotel is a dead end place for those who do not have enough cash to go somewhere else. The last shelter for those who hang around at night. These shadows walking silently along the streets, selling their poor body heat for a few crumpled banknotes, swallow and digested by their voracious thirst for a cheap high. Enough to forget for a while the distress of a ruined life and to dream of a more rejoicing elsewhere. Nathalie and her brother Tof struggle against this futureless world. Pierre, a shoe-repairer, troubled by Nathalie's grace will take part for a while to the life of these two children of misery.