Michael Aaglund


Una casa hecha de astillas
Documental centrado en los niños y el personal en un hogar especial: una institución para niños que han sido retirados de sus hogares mientras esperan las decisiones judiciales sobre la custodia parental. El personal hace todo lo posible para que el tiempo que los niños pasan allí sea seguro y de apoyo.
Copenhagen Does Not Exist
A young woman, Ida, has disappeared without a trace. In an empty apartment in Copenhagen, Sander is kept locked up. Here he is voluntarily filmed and interrogated by two men; Ida's father and brother. It turns out that Ida, long before her disappearance, lived a secluded life with Sander, isolated from the community – in the middle of the city. But Sander does not tell the whole truth.
Being Seen Seeing
Supervising Editor
What happens when we meet in the street? Suddenly, mistakenly, intimately. Estranged, rushed, too much, too little, too late. Smiles, small talk, and promises.
Sisters with Transistors
Piense en la música electrónica antigua y probablemente verá hombres presionando botones, perillas y límites. Si bien la música electrónica a menudo se percibe como un club de niños, la verdad es que desde el principio las mujeres han sido parte integral en la invención de los dispositivos, técnicas y tropos que definirían la forma del sonido en los años venideros.
Tras la muerte de su madre, una chica de 17 años es acogida por su tía Bodil, la matriarca de una familia mafiosa en la que la violencia, el crimen y la crueldad nunca aparecen bajo el prisma de la idealización.
Bird Boy
When 12-year-old Reshat looks around him, he sees the oil fields of Azerbaijan. When he looks up dreamily, he sees pigeons flying to heaven. He misses his father, who died a year ago, and who also loved these birds. Reshat cautiously approaches the best pigeon keeper in the village. Will he teach him to train pigeons? His father taught him that he should be kind to birds, because souls fly to heaven on their wings. While Reshat is learning all about pigeons, he discovers what he really wants. Part of the "Kids on the Silk Road" documentary project.
A Married Couple
A tribute to love and being together. Sidsel and Christian have Down's syndrome and have been together since they were teenagers – and now they are getting married.
I Signed the Petition
Immediately after a Palestinian man signs an online petition, he is thrown into a panic-inducing spiral of self-doubt. Over the course of a conversation with an understanding friend, he analyzes, deconstructs and interprets the meaning of his choice to publicly support the cultural boycott of Israel.
La Guerra de Oleg
Oleg, un niño ucraniano de 10 años, vive en una zona en guerra y a menudo convive con el fuego antiaéreo y los ataques con misiles. Mientras muchos ya han decidido abandonar esta zona peligrosa, Oleg permanece con su abuela, quien se ocupa de él desde la muerte de su madre. Sin poder hacer nada ni tener otro lugar a donde ir, esperan pacientes. Oleg se divierte con su primo pequeño Yarik. Juntos crean mil aventuras mientras ponen a prueba sus propios límites. A través de la perspectiva de Oleg, vemos qué significa crecer en una zona de guerra y la lucha de un niño para descubrir qué es el mundo mientras se hace grande entre los peligros y desafíos de una guerra.
Una provocadora y poética exploración de cómo el pueblo británico ha visto su propia tierra a través de más de un siglo de cine. Un viaje alucinado de inmensa belleza y brutalidad. Un ensayo caleidoscópico sobre cómo la magia y la locura han unido al ser humano con la naturaleza desde el principio de los tiempos.
A Drowning Man
Alone and far from home, The Kid makes his way through a strange city looking for the means to get through his day. Surrounded by predators he is forced to make compromises merely to survive, his life of exile grows one day longer.
Oleg and the War
The film follows 10-year-old Oleg, whose life has been turned upside down by the ongoing war in East Ukraine. Oleg lives with his beloved grandmother Alexandra in a small house in a village on the frontline. Most people have left the village, but Oleg and Alexandra love their life together there and want to stay on and take care of each other. But life is becoming more and more difficult and the war does not seem to end.
Graine de champion
Shadow World
Additional Editing
Una investigación detallada sobre los intereses políticos y económicos que, desde principios del siglo XX, han manejado en la sombra y a su antojo los hilos del comercio de armas, alimentado la vergonzosa corrupción de políticos y funcionarios gubernamentales y promovido un estado de guerra permanente a lo largo de todo el mundo, al tiempo que cínicamente predicaban a favor de una paz durarera y universal.
A Man Returned
Para escapar de las malas condiciones en el campo de refugiados palestinos de Ain al-Hilweh, Reda vagó por Grecia durante tres años. Ahora regresa al campamento, que está sufriendo los efectos de la guerra en Siria, mientras intenta rehacer su vida.
Eskimo Diva
Nuka, a young drag queen from Nuuk, and his best friend Lu, a cool DJ and electronic musician, go on tour with their drag show to the remote hunting settlements along the coast to prove that you can be a cool performer, Greenlandic and gay at the same time. Apart from doing the show, the two young men hope to bring some life into the sleepy small town atmosphere that reigns. However, people are not quite ready for them yet, so the boys are confronted with a lot of opposition, but their black humor makes them go on.
Concerning Violence
Concerning Violence is based on newly discovered, powerful archival material documenting the most daring moments in the struggle for liberation in the Third World, accompanied by classic text from The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon.
Chikara - The Sumo Wrestler's Son
'Chikara - the Sumo wrestler's son' follows the 10-year-old Japanese boy, Chikara, and his struggle to become a Sumo wrestler. His father was a professional Sumo wrestler, so expectations surrounding Chikara are extremely high. Today his father owns a noodle-shop where he works a lot. Their only time together is when they train Sumo wrestling. It's a very valuable time for Chikara. He wants to impress his father, but when he's there, Chikara gets nervous and everything seems to go wrong. The national Sumo Championship is approaching and Chikara wants to do well. It's a story of a small boy in a tough sport, parental pressure and expectations, but above all, it's a universal narrative about the relationship between father and son.
For Those in Peril
Aaron es un joven inadaptado que vive en una remota comunidad pesquera de Escocia. Él es el único superviviente de un extraño accidente marítimo en donde perdieron la vida 5 pescadores, incluido su hermano mayor. Repudiado por la superstición local, el pueblo culpa a Aaron de la tragedia, aislándolo de la vida de la comunidad.
Room 8
Thrown to rot in a narrow and gloomy cell of a hideous Soviet prison, a weary new inmate struggles to come to terms with the new reality. Within the grey cage, an unwelcoming fellow convict cautions the newcomer not to touch the intriguingly mysterious red wooden box which rests on the lower bunk, moreover, not even think of opening it. Why is there so much secrecy about the contents of the box? Could there be hiding the means to his escape?
A World Not Ours
An intimate, and often humorous, portrait of three generations of exile in the refugee camp of Ein el-Helweh, in southern Lebanon. Based on a wealth of personal recordings, family archives, and historical footage, the film is a sensitive, and illuminating study of belonging, friendship, and family in the lives of those for whom dispossession is the norm, and yearning their daily lives.
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Photos of God