Rudolph Liszt


Honeymoon of Horror
Makeup Artist
The new bride of a strange sculptor finds that many of her new husband's friends want her dead.
The Touch of Flesh
Makeup Artist
Wealthy landowner Dr. Earl Denton buys a premium development with the intention of leaving it to his daughter, Joan. When Joan gets impregnated by her mechanic boyfriend, she tries to convince her father to help her get an abortion, despite the protestations of her boyfriend.
El Terror del año 5000
Makeup Artist
Un científico construye un artefacto con el poder de traer al presente objetos desde el pasado. En una de las pruebas aparece una estatua que segun los científicos es del futuro, concretamente del año 5200. La estatua lleva dentro un ser vivo, una mujer. Esta tiene un mensaje para la humanidad; en el futuro, una radiación ha matado a los hombres y solo quedan mujeres. Ella tiene intención de llevar hombres del presente hasta el futuro para repoblar el mundo. Pero hay algo que no ha desvelado, algo monstruoso que oculta y que puede poner en peligro el futuro del ser humano.
Makeup Artist
Marty es un carnicero solterón que todavía vive con su madre. Suele salir con frecuencia con sus amigos por la noche, intentando encontrar a alguna chica con la que compartir su vida y hacer planes para el futuro.
Main Street to Broadway
Makeup Artist
In New York, a surly, down-on-his-heels playwright meets a country girl who's giving up trying to act and returning home. He goes with her for inspiration when his agent convinces a stage star to take his next effort. When he returns to Broadway, his girl stays behind and starts seeing a local businessman.
Cry Murder
Makeup Artist
A young actress has retired from films to marry the son of a prominent and rich politician in New York City. The father objects strongly to the marriage. The actress is being blackmailed by a second-rate artist who has stolen some letters from her that could be misconstrued. During the payoff, she is knocked unconscious, and awakens to find herself involved in a murder and the police have her marked as the number-one suspect.
Miracle in Harlem
Makeup Designer
A crooked real estate tycoon tricks a trusting young woman out of her small candy store. When he is found dead, the girl is suspected of the crime.
Fight That Ghost
Makeup Artist
Pigmeat and Shorty, who own "Pigmeat and Shorty's Bootery", are told by their landlord to either pay up or get out. They get caught trying to short-count him, and he threatens to have them arrested. After a series of disasters--they ruin a customer's suit, their store blows up--they get a telegram notifying them that a man they once did a kindness for has left them quite a bit of money and a house, but in order to get the inheritance, they have to spend a night in the bedroom of the man's house. When they arrive there, they notice two things--the place is kind of creepy and a series of spooky incidents leaves them to believe the house is haunted.