Shannon Plumb

Shannon Plumb

Nacimiento : , New York, USA


Shannon Plumb


Walk of Shame
A mourning widow suspects a stranger in town is wearing her late husband's Army jacket. She cautiously stalks the man into the night in an attempt to find closure.
Lost River
La historia tiene lugar en el entorno surrealista de una ciudad que se desvanece. Cuando un adolescente descubre un camino secreto hacia una ciudad subacuática, su madre se ve arrastrada a un macabro submundo de fantasía.
A Brooklyn mother finds comic relief from domestic drudgery by inhabiting the world in guises—drag king, pole dancer, Santa Claus—managing to find moments of grace even on thankless days.
A Brooklyn mother finds comic relief from domestic drudgery by inhabiting the world in guises—drag king, pole dancer, Santa Claus—managing to find moments of grace even on thankless days.
A Brooklyn mother finds comic relief from domestic drudgery by inhabiting the world in guises—drag king, pole dancer, Santa Claus—managing to find moments of grace even on thankless days.
Cruce de caminos
Lady In Ice Cream Shop
Un artista circense, rebelde, misterioso y mujeriego, Luke (Ryan Gosling), se entera que ha sido padre con su antigua amante, Romina, (Eva Mendes). De inmediato, decide cambiar de vida y aceptar la responsabilidad de la paternidad. El problema es que educar un niño, requiere de los ingresos económicos de los que no dispone en ese momento, por lo que decide junto con otro individuo empezar a asaltar bancos para ganar algo de dinero de manera fácil y rápida, utilizando su capacidad de motociclista para lograrlo. Su carrera delictiva se ve estorbada por un policía que empieza a seguir su huella, Avery Cross, (Bradley Cooper), un joven, novato y ambicioso, el cual trabaja en un departamento dirigido por un detective corrupto
New York Conversations
New York Conversations is a documentary made of varied conversations revolving around cinema in New York. These conversations give us the opportunity to sketch some of the bad boys and girls -directors, actors or producers of New York cinema, whether they be famous, anonymous or blossoming talents. Young and impetuous for most, they are watched over by a few veterans. All share this iron will to remain independent, out of choice but above all, out of necessity. The necessity to create at any cost. Shot with a Super8 camera, this documentary groups together 15 short conversations about film making, life, independence, art and...New York.