JD Samson


The Renegades
Queer culture and the arts would be much poorer without the presence and contribution of butch and stud lesbians, whose identity is both its own aesthetic and a defiant repudiation of the male gaze.
The Punk Singer
Este es el perfil definitivo de Kathleen Hanna, líder de Bikini Kill y Le Tigre. Nos adentramos en su intimidad por vez primera: riot grrrl, familia, celebridad, Kurt Cobain, enfermedad de Lyme y su retorno como Julie Ruin. Una odisea ardua, sin concesiones.
Mayer’s film Medea takes its starting point from Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Medea of 1969. The ancient legend of Medea contrasts two worlds which are no longer compatible with one another – the old archaic world of Medea and the modern rational world of Jason. Both individuals, who confront each other here as representatives of their opposing systems and raise the great question of peaceful coexistence between cultures in times of globalization.