Nikita Presnyakov

Nikita Presnyakov

Nacimiento : 1991-05-21, London, England, United Kingdom


Nikita Presnyakov


A young Moscow music video maker Grisha blazes his way to fame through the dashing nineties - in the era of careless parties, bandit shooters and grievous bodily harm. His friends are the best music video makers in the country, his clients are its main stars. One dashing adventure follows another - the guys are lucky. And it seems that everything is just beginning.
Midshipmen 1787. Peace
Crimea, 1787. Despite the Manifesto of the Russian Empress Catherine and the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty, which forever united Crimea with Russia, Europe continues to weave intrigues, trying to break this sacred union. In the undercover struggle, all methods were used - from shameless gossip, dark rumors and false articles in newspapers to dirty manipulations with the illegitimate son of the empress sent to Europe for training - Alexei Bobrinsky, a passionate gambler and brawler. This weakness was cleverly exploited by international intriguers. Catherine instructs her faithful friends, the midshipmen, to cut the knot of the conspiracy ... Together with the fathers, their grown-up children, Shurka and Alexandra, go into battle.
The Last Six Degrees of Celebration
"The Last Six Degrees of Celebration" will be the most touching, kind and magical of all, because your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. The film almanac will include five New Year stories. In the novel "Pines" millenial will help his brutal stepfather, Uncle Yura, to make a marriage proposal. In "The Brothers", the inseparable friends, Borya and Zhenya, will once again be on the verge of breaking up, because Zhenya is going to return to Yakutsk. The skier and snowboarder turned the whole city over for the sake of the smile of one beauty in the short story “Restaurant of quick acquaintance”. “The Station for Three” will tell the story of a simple girl from Voronezh who went in pursuit of her happiness - the capital actor Komarovsky, and in the novel “Bad Grandpa” the Snow Maiden will go to save a lonely, but very grumbling grandpa.
Quackers: La leyenda de los patos
Nik (voice)
En una pequeña isla en China, la vida cotidiana de unos patos mandarines se convierte en caos en un instante: Una bandada de patos reales militares que se dirigían a Hawaii se confunden de isla. El jefe de los patos reales, Duckmus, no quiere respetar las tradiciones locales de los mandarinos y a su vez el Emperador de los patos chinos no esta de acuerdo con la llegada de los forasteros. Comienza una guerra fría entre los dos clanes pero el heredero del Emperador, Longway se acaba enamorando de Erica, la hija del jefe de los patos reales. Mientras que sus padres discuten ellos continúan su amor. Hasta que un día raptan a Longway porque es el mágico 'Pato del Sol', que según dice la leyenda, está dotado de habilidades sobrehumanas y le permite tomar poder del sol. Una vieja hechicera quiere este poder del sol para encontrar la juventud eterna.
Corporate Event
Igor, a furniture store manager, tries to figure out what happened during the corporate event which resulted his store to be completely destroyed.
Six Degrees of Celebration 2
Павел Бондарев
A lot of things happened in the life of "Yolki" hepes during the last year, but here it's again - the New Year's eve...
Six Degrees of Celebration
A collection of several interlinked stories that happen on the New Year's eve...
This story takes place in Moscow during 2006. The film is about new generation of kids, called Indigo, who have more mental and spiritual abilities than others. A company of such kids gather together in hidden places. Each of them can do unbelievable things, such as : reading other people thoughts, communicating with animals, breaking computer codes. They are different from ordinary people and they are happy with each other. But some adults want to use their talents for old-time perverted purposes...