Anatoly Kalmykov

Anatoly Kalmykov

Nacimiento : 1951-01-05,


Anatoly Kalmykov


El Pequeño Soldado
La historia emocionante y heroica que tuvo lugar en la vida del soldado más pequeño, de edad: el héroe de la Gran Guerra Patria, Sergei Aleshkov (Aleshkin) (1936-1990), de seis años. Un niño de seis años huérfano es hallado por una unidad del ejército rojo en un bosque de Bielorrusia, Vivía en la región de Kaluga, oeste de Rusia, cercana a la actual frontera con Belarus. Perdió a todos sus parientes e ingresó al ejército. "Todo comenzó como un juego" para preservar su infancia, pero luego se adapta rápidamente a los rigores de la vida en el frente de combate. Se convirtió en un verdadero héroe y defensor de la Unión Soviética.
All or Nothing
Three unlucky managers are trying to stop their boss and prevent him from stealing company money.
Gagarin: Pionero del espacio
orchestra manager
La película está dedicada a los primeros pasos de la humanidad en el camino de la exploración espacial y directamente el destino del primer cosmonauta Yuri Gagarin. El motivo principal: la lucha por el derecho a ser el primero: la competencia en el primer cosmonauta, la competencia en tecnología de misiles, la confrontación de las superpotencias, la URSS y los EE. UU. En el primer grupo de astronautas fueron seleccionados entre tres mil pilotos de combate en todo el país. Dentro de los veinte legendarios se buscó lo mejor de lo mejor. Cuál de ellos volará primero, nadie lo sabía. De esta manera, tuvo que lidiar no solo con la atracción de la tierra ...
A Man from Boulevard des Capucines
A comedy about Masha First (the grand-granddaughter of Johnny First) who comes to Russia from USA trying to make her own movie.
Вышел ёжик из тумана
Иван Сергеевич, сосед Лены
Однажды еще в студенческие годы Лена сделала опрометчивый шаг, вышла замуж совсем не за того, за кого следовало. И вот спустя семнадцать лет на нее, Елену Смирнову, сотрудника частной фирмы, разом сваливаются все несчастья, какие только возможны. Ее увольняют с работы, к другой женщине уходит муж, обвиняют в краже миллионов долларов со счета фирмы и в довершение шестнадцатилетняя дочь Аля узнает, что Елена ей не родная мать, не может простить такого обмана и уезжает к родной матери в Прагу.
Spartakiada. Lokalnoe Poteplenie
Веселая новогодняя комедия о том, как встретились две противоположности и вопреки своей природе взяли да полюбили друг друга. А было дело так: небедный владелец фабрики по производству новогодней мишуры ехал в офис, а очутился на спартакиаде, где познакомился с блондинистой карьеристкой, на дух не переносящей бизнесменов…
Your Will Not Leave Me
The film takes place in 1951 in a large provincial city. The young wife returns from the resort, and after her comes the “spa card” from the man with whom she somehow walked along the shore, listening to the surf under the starry night sky. A husband receives a postcard ... He does not arrange a scene of jealousy and, experiencing pain inside himself, decides to write him an answer on behalf of Vera.
About Love In Any Weather
The main character, meteorologist Perushkin, is a “paranormal” person who has “solid cyclones and anticyclones” in his life — he is busy with the invention of a device that draws energy from space. On the way to the great discoveries, a variety of troubles await him, one of which could have ended very sadly, if not ... love is the one that comes when you do not wait for it, the one that does not depend on the circumstances and size of the wallet, which remains unchanged In any weather…
Paris love Kostya Gumankova
20 years ago young soviet programmer has fallen in love with love mate of his boss during joint tourist trip to Paris. Nowadays he comes back to Paris being a thriving business man.
I Want To Go To Prison
A nugget from Russia is hiding from the police in a Dutch prison.
Children of Monday
Is it easy to be a walking corpse? How do you spend a half a million dollars? Can you fall in love with the same bride twice?
What a Mess!
The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.
Летучий голландец
Весёлая хроника опасного путешествия
The action takes place in the hotel "goldfish", the administration of which fulfills the various wishes of its guests.
Recipe of Her Youth
The beginning of the 20th century. Famous singer Emilia Marty arrives on tour in a European city. At the same time, the Supreme Court intends to close the Gregor-Prus case, a lawsuit that lasted several decades. Albert Gregor unsuccessfully tries to seize the inheritance of Baron Joseph Prus, but cannot prove that he is his heir. Emilia Marty unexpectedly intervenes in the process, reporting the whereabouts of documents proving the family kinship of Albert Gregor and Prus.