Bryan Herbert

Bryan Herbert


Bryan Herbert


The Stingiest Man in Town
Mr. Fezziwig
This is a musical version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". Ebenezer Scrooge is given a chance to reform and save his soul. He is visited by 4 ghosts and is shown visions of his past life and the consequences of his life on others.
La mansión de los Fury
Adaptación del libro 'Blanche Fury' de Joseph Shearing que relata una historia de estilo victoriano con pasiones olvidadas, secretos de familia y asesinatos. Un médico rural se dirige hacia Clare Hall, una gran mansión inglesa. Su dueña Blance Fury (Valerie Hobson) se encuentra gravemente enferma. El médico le administra un anestésico y, en el trance, Blanche recuerda su pasado, cuando utiliza su verdadero apellido, Fuller, y era una mujer joven. Todo cambió el día que recibió una carta de su tío Simón (Walter Fitzgerald), ofreciéndole empleo como gobernanta en la enorme mansión. Una vez allí conocerá a su primo Lawrence (Michael Gough) con quien acepta contraer matrimonio pese a estar profundamente enamorada de Philip Thorn (Stewart Granger), el hijo ilegítimo de los anteriores dueños de la mansión. Pero el día del enlace nupcial ocurre una gran tragedia...
The Root of All Evil
Jeckie Farnish is a level-headed young woman, unlike her spoiled younger sister, Rushie. When the sisters become involved with charming businessman Charles Mortimer, the resulting tragedy leads to a lust for revenge on Rushie's part. However, Jeckie knows that she can always turn to reliable Joe Bartle in times of need.
Historia de amor
Stuttering Cornish Fisherman
Una concertista de piano descubre que sufre graves problemas cardíacos, y decide disfrutar de la vida mientras pueda. Conoce a un piloto de permiso, que tal vez se quede ciego a consecuencia de una explosión que le alcanzó en el pasado. Ha de afrontar una operación que le impida quedar ciego, pero las probabilidades de e´xito son escasas...
These Are the Men
Anti nazi short.
The New Lot
A new batch of Army recruits, from diverse backgrounds and with varying degrees of commitment, is shaped into an efficient fighting unit.
Thunder Rock
David Charleston, once a world renowned journalist, now lives alone maintaining the Thunder Rock lighthouse in Lake Michigan. He doesn't cash his paychecks and has no contact other than the monthly inspector's visit. When alone, he imagines conversations with those who died when a 19th century packet ship with some 60 passengers sank. He imagines their lives, their problems, their fears and their hopes. In one of these conversations, he recalls his own efforts in the 1930s when he desperately tried to convince first his editors, and later the public, of the dangers of fascism and the inevitability of war. Few would listen. One of the passengers, a spinster, tells her story of seeking independence from a world dominated by men. There's also the case of a doctor who is banished for using unacceptable methods. David has given up on life, but the imaginary passengers give him hope for the future.
The Goose Steps Out
Airport Official
Schoolteacher William Potts is the double of a captured German spy, so he is sent to Germany by British Intelligence to obtain the plans of a new secret weapon, causing chaos in a Hitler Youth school in the process.
They Flew Alone
Airfield Weather Man (uncredited)
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
Pimpinela Smith
Europa, 1939. Alemania y Gran Bretaña se encuentran a punto de enfrentarse en una nueva guerra. El profesor Horatio Smith viaja con sus estudiantes a la Europa continental para participar en una excavación arqueológica, pero cuando sus alumnos descubran que lo que busca Smith es construir un camino que facilite la huida a los enemigos del nazismo, lo apoyarán con más ahínco. Sin embargo, el plan se complica cuando un estudiante introduzca en el grupo a una misteriosa mujer que resulta ser una espía de la Gestapo. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Ghost of St. Michael's
Bus Driver
Will Hay, back in his role as a hapless teacher, is hired by a grim school in remotest Scotland. The school soon starts to be haunted by a legendary ghost, whose spectral bagpipes signal the death of one of the staff. Hay, assisted by Claude Hulbert and Charles Hawtrey, has to unravel the mystery before he becomes the next victim.
Sailors Three
Petty Officer on HMS Ferocious (uncredited)
Three sailors get drunk while on shore leave and end up on the wrong ship. When they realise their mistake they scramble off it and onto their warship, HMS Ferocious. However, they soon realise that the vessel they have boarded is not the Ferocious but a German battleship.
Spare a Copper
George is an inept reserve policeman working in wartime Liverpool, who is chosen by a gang of Nazi saboteurs as the stooge for their planned destruction of the British battleship HMS Hercules. Framed by the villains and forced to go on the run, George sets out to clear his name with the aid of new girlfriend, Jane.
Signals Yeoman
La historia de los altibajos de quienes protegían los convoyes vitales entre Estados Unidos e Inglaterra durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Tren nocturno a Múnich
Train Inspector (uncredited)
Checoslovaquia, marzo de 1939, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Mientras los invasores alemanes ocupan Praga, el inventor Axel Bomasch logra huir y llegar a Inglaterra; pero aquellos que necesitan poner sus conocimientos al servicio de la maquinaria de guerra nazi, con el propósito de llevar a cabo sus malvados planes de destrucción, no se detendrán ante nada para capturarlo.
Girl in the News
Witness (Uncredited)
An elderly lady manages to sneak some pills away from her nurse and dies of an overdose. The nurse is tried for murder and acquitted. Some time later the nurse, under a new name and identity, cares for a patient who also dies of an overdose. When her real identity comes out, suspicions arouses.
The Stars Look Down
Man Outside Football Ground
The Stars Look Down is based on A. J. Cronin's 1935 novel of the same name, about injustices in a mining community in North East England. While the novel follows the development of three young men in the small mining town, the film focuses on just one of them; the smart David Fenwick who gets a scholarship to university, meets a girl who only marries him because her former boyfriend has abandoned her, and eventually returns to the mine town as a teacher and takes part in a futile rescue effort when the mine is flooded, trapping both his father and his younger brother.
21 días juntos
Man with Barrel Organ
Larry Durrant mata accidentalmente al marido chantajista de su amante Wanda. La policía detiene a un sospechoso, que es condenado a muerte. Larry y Wanda sólo tienen tres semanas para estar juntos y decidir si Larry debe entregarse o dejar que muera un inocente.
Los ojos misteriosos de Londres
Police Sgt. Walsh
El doctor Orloff parece una persona benefactora, que incluso ha fundado un asilo para ciegos. Pero tras esta pantalla se oculta una organización secreta que se lucra por medio de la extorsión, la tortura y el asesinato.
El espía negro
Corporal Guarding POW's on Ferry
Un comandante alemán de submarinos, el capitán Hardt, es enviado a la islas Órcadas con la misión de destruir la flota británica apostada en Scapa Flow. Allí encontrará la colaboración del matrimonio Blacklock.
The Four Just Men
Taxi driver (uncredited)
The Four Men of the title are British WWI veterans who decide to work secretly against enemies of the country. They aren't above a bit of murder or sabotage to serve their ends, but they consider themselves to be true patriots.
It's in the Air
RAF Corporal Organising Concert
George Brown is rejected as an Air Raid Warden and in doing so sees his potential to join the Royal Air Force. His dreams could soon come true as he realises that in fact his friend has left behind some very important papers, he dons a his Royal Air Force uniform and delivers the papers when he is mistaken for a dispatch driver from HQ. He soon becomes the butt of jokes from his sergeant which ends him staying indefinitely at the air base. George soon falls in love with the Sergeant Major's daughter and when he discovers his real identity he threatens to report him. On the day of an annual inspection George attempts to escape the base and ends up in a plane, while the inspecting officer watches on, George's plane display is mesmerizing and the inspecting officer insists he should be commended, in order to save their skins George manages to land the plane and is accepted as a flyer by the RAF.
La ciudadela
Husband Whose Wife Has Typhoid (uncredited)
Andrew Manson, un joven médico que consigue su primer empleo en una población minera de Gales, se entrega al cuidado de trabajadores enfermos y gentes oprimidas. Las circunstancias, sin embargo, acabarán poniendo a pruebo sus principios morales.
Kate Plus Ten
2nd Signalman
Kate is secretary to Lord Flamborough. But she is also leader of a criminal gang. Can Mike Pemberton catch her red-handed?
I See Ice
Ice Hockey Coach
George Bright is a props man in an ice ballet company, and a keen amateur photographer who accidentally snaps crooks at work. Comic complications ensue....
The Last Chance
Constable Hervey
Alan Burmister leaves Devon on a secret gun-running expedition immediately after his engagement to Mary Perrin is announced; he returns at Christmas to find himself accused of the murder of Ivor Connel, a moneylender. Mary's father had always hoped that his daughter would marry John Worrall, a rising barrister. Worrall is briefed for the defence, but when he loses the case and Alan is condemned to penal servitude for life, no one but the judge realises that he has not made use of the best piece of defence evidence...
Police Constable Gribble
A married couple are mistaken for jewel thieves and forced to go to a party. The husband turns on the burglar alarm by mistake and the real thieves are captured.
Pat Rooney
A film Directed by Alex Bryce.
Inspector Hoggett
Pat Heaton may be the best crime reporter in town but his fiancée Claire, despairing of the more tawdry aspects of his profession, makes him promise to give the job up. When a pretty waitress is found murdered, however, Pat falls in line with the rest of the 'Murder Gang' the pack of reporters who gather to glean stories by fair means or foul!