Johann Fohl

Nacimiento : 1982-01-01, Berlin, Germany


Shorty und das Geheimnis des Zauberriffs
Freaks: 3 superhéroes
Tras mantener un encuentro fortuito con un misterioso personaje, Wendy, una joven madre de clase trabajadora, descubre que tiene superpoderes.
Lux - Krieger des Lichts
Torben Tule
The shy late twenties Torsten tile lives with his mother in a bleak Berlin slab. In the guise of his alter ego "Lux - Warrior of Light" he tries to make the world a little bit better. He distributes food to the homeless and helps out on his forays through the city wherever he can. A film crew accompanies him to make a documentary about the social engagement of the self-appointed real-life superhero. Jan, the director, is still looking for a donor. The resourceful producer Brandt shows interest, but on condition that he sees something spectacular.
Dengler - Die schützende Hand
Am Ruder
Scharfschütze 2
Der Eskimo
Jack, de diez años, debe ocuparse todos los días, desde que se levanta hasta que se acuesta, de su hermano pequeño, Manuel, de seis. Cuando este sufre un accidente, las vidas de ambos cambian para siempre.
The Promotion
'Amok' tells 48 hours of the live of Lorenz Fuchs, a middle aged gray accountant who believes his triste and monotonous life being meaningless and absurd. For him the outside world was always hostile and aggressive. When his Boss not only unexpectedly promotes him but also reveals that he knows about his well covert emotional failings, Fuchs is thrown out of his daily routine - his defense lines are crumbling. Well hidden memories of traumatic experiences bring up a long suppressed rage that results in an outburst of violence and a bloodbath.