Howard Lanning


A Foreign Field
Sound Editor
Nostalgic comic drama in which Cyril and Amos, two veterans of the Normandy landings, return to France to visit the grave of their wartime buddy. They encounter Waldo, an American on a similar mission, and the meeting sparks memories of an old girlfriend from the past. With the mysterious American lady Lisa in their wake, Cyril and Waldo decide to try and track her down.
Argentina, as hosts in 1978, were under great pressure to succeed. Amidst passionate supporters, they progressed to the finals with a wonderful blend of attacking football and tough defending. The unlucky Dutch, now lacking Cruyffs' sublime skills, were the fall guys once again in the Final, losing 3-1 in a classic clash of styles. This 1991 reedited version omits controversial interviews from the 1978 original "Copa 78 - O Poder do Futebol", while also including additional television footage of the tournament and newly dubbed English narration instead of the original Spanish.
Argentina, as hosts in 1978, were under great pressure to succeed. Amidst passionate supporters, they progressed to the finals with a wonderful blend of attacking football and tough defending. The unlucky Dutch, now lacking Cruyffs' sublime skills, were the fall guys once again in the Final, losing 3-1 in a classic clash of styles. This 1991 reedited version omits controversial interviews from the 1978 original "Copa 78 - O Poder do Futebol", while also including additional television footage of the tournament and newly dubbed English narration instead of the original Spanish.
Argentina, as hosts in 1978, were under great pressure to succeed. Amidst passionate supporters, they progressed to the finals with a wonderful blend of attacking football and tough defending. The unlucky Dutch, now lacking Cruyffs' sublime skills, were the fall guys once again in the Final, losing 3-1 in a classic clash of styles. This 1991 reedited version omits controversial interviews from the 1978 original "Copa 78 - O Poder do Futebol", while also including additional television footage of the tournament and newly dubbed English narration instead of the original Spanish.
Kamilla and the Thief 2
Kamilla and the Thief - Part 2 continues where the first Kamilla movie ends. Sebastian going to jail, but Kamilla did not fail his friend, even if she refused to have contact with him and is bullied because she is "a friend of a thief." Kamilla is the only one who believes in Sebastian when he says that he will not steal. Can Sebastian to keep that promise? Kamilla is faithful - but is it enough?
Assistant Sound Editor
Gran Bretaña, principios del siglo XX. Cuando el joven Maurice (James Willby) va a la universidad, se enamora de Clive (Hugh Grant), uno de sus compañeros de clase. Juntos vivirán un romance que mantendrán en secreto. Sin embargo, Clive, para evitar habladurías y normalizar su vida, decide casarse con una joven. Maurice, por su parte, seguirá manteniendo relaciones secretas con otros hombres, aunque no será lo mismo.
Heading For Glory
Supervising Editor
The 1974 finals in West Germany saw the emergence of "Total Football" in the shape of the classy Dutch led by the legendary Johan Cruyff. The Dutch swept all before them until they came up against the solid hosts in the final. Beckenbauer led West Germany to a tense 2-1 victory.
Sex Farm
Two frustrated wives decide to visit a health farm for a weekend where they become involved in orgies while their husbands amuse themselves at work in a similar fashion.
Desaparecidos en la nada
Un militar (George Sanders) investiga las misteriosas desapariciones de paracaidistas. Los mandos responsables o bien ignoran las causas o bien se niegan a reportarlas, y pronto el militar se convence de la interferencia de seres extraterrestres.
La maldición del altar rojo
When his brother disappears, Robert Manning pays a visit to the remote country house he was last heard from. While his host is outwardly welcoming - and his niece more demonstrably so - Manning detects a feeling of menace in the air with the legend of Lavinia Morley, Black Witch of Greymarsh, hanging over everything.
El general Witchfinder
Inglaterra, 1645. La cruenta guerra civil entre monárquicos y parlamentarios que asola el país provoca una época de caos y arbitrariedad jurídica que permite a hombres sin escrúpulos sacar provecho explotando las absurdas supersticiones de los campesinos; como Matthew Hopkins, un monstruo disfrazado de hombre que vaga de pueblo en pueblo ofreciendo sus servicios como cazador de brujas.
El deseo y la bestia
Tras ocurrir una serie de inexplicables crímenes, el inspector Quenell es asignado al caso. Sus investigaciones le llevarán hasta un científico que ha conseguido crear una especie de mariposa vampiro que crece desmesuradamente y ataca a los seres humanos para beberse su sangre.
Where Has Poor Mickey Gone?
Things go terribly wrong for four youths, ejected from a London nightclub for rowdiness, after they decide to break into a Magic shop, where they tie up and terrorize the owner. They find to their cost that he deals in more than illusions...