Pam German


A traumatized teen spends the week at her grandmother's new house and discovers its horrific secret.
It's a Life Worth Living
Pro Life Lady 2
John, a man haunted by his beginnings, struggles with finding meaning and worth in his life. This leads him to choose a path of selfishness and drug abuse. Consequently there's a breakdown of relationships with his family and his wife. When things start to crumble all around him, John gets the wake up call that he needs in the form of a caring new friend, and others in his life that reach out to him in ways they hadn't before. God working through them and reaching out to John, guides him on a path of discovery about where his worth and value truly come from, and what in life is truly valuable.
En el ojo de la tormenta
Townsperson (uncredited)
En el transcurso de un solo día, la ciudad de Silverton es azotada por una serie de tornados sin precedentes. Toda la ciudad está a merced de ciclones erráticos y mortales, mientras que los cazadores de tormentas predicen que lo peor está aún por llegar. La mayoría de las personas buscan refugio, mientras que otras corren hace el vórtice, poniendo a prueba hasta dónde está dispuesto a llegar un cazador de tormentas para conseguir esa foto única que sólo se hace una vez en la vida. Contada a través de los ojos y de los objetivos fotográficos de cazadores profesionales de tormentas, aficionados en busca de emociones y valientes vecinos de la ciudad, “En el ojo de la tormenta” te lleva directamente al ojo de la tormenta para experimentar lo que ofrece la Madre Naturaleza en sus momentos más extremos.
Dead Quiet
Adult Claire
Nick and his girlfriend have to spend a night in their newly inherited abandoned building downtown, to disprove the stories of it being haunted to an interested buyer.