Maura Nuccetelli


In punta di piedi
Rocco Chinnici - È così lieve il tuo bacio sulla fronte
Basada en el libro de su hija, narra la vida del magistrado siciliano Rocco Chinnici, "padre" del grupo antimafia.
Rocco Chinnici - È così lieve il tuo bacio sulla fronte
Basada en el libro de su hija, narra la vida del magistrado siciliano Rocco Chinnici, "padre" del grupo antimafia.
Saint Barbara
“Santa Bárbara” narra la vida de la mártir que fue capaz de enfrentarse a su padre por la fe. La película, estrenada el 4 de diciembre de 2012 (festividad de la mártir), se convirtió en todo un éxito dando el salto a distintos países. El film está ambientado en el año 288 d.C., fecha que marcó un punto de inflexión en la historia: la libertad de la Iglesia en todo el imperio tras el edicto de Milán. Después de la muerte de su madre, Bárbara fue educada por su padre en la doctrina pagana. Un día su mejor amiga Juliana le habla sobre la fe cristiana y, tras descubrir que su propia madre también abrazó el cristianismo, Bárbara decide convertirse sin saber lo que su padre está dispuesto hacer para que cambie de parecer.
Santa Rita de Casia
Perugia (Italia), siglo XV, guerras entre güelfos y gibelinos. Rita, una muchacha educada en la fe y el amor cristianos, conoce a Paolo Mancini, con quien contrae matrimonio. El joven pertenece a una de las familias más respetables de la ciudad y ha sido educado para la guerra y la violencia, pero Rita siente por él un amor tan profundo que con paciencia y tenacidad consigue que su marido cambie y renuncie a la violencia. Sus dos hijos gemelos son recibidos como una bendición de Dios a un matrimonio que empieza a vivir feliz y en paz. Pero los enemigos de Paolo no olvidan y un día lo asesinan en las afueras del pueblo.
Velocità massima
In search of purpose, 17-year-old Claudio helps easygoing mechanic Stefano build a car capable of winning a street race that could solve his financial problems, all while going out with the latter's former girlfriend.
Velocità massima
In search of purpose, 17-year-old Claudio helps easygoing mechanic Stefano build a car capable of winning a street race that could solve his financial problems, all while going out with the latter's former girlfriend.
Three Forever
A Night Full of Rain
This is a story full of feelings emotion, and generational conflicts... Two people meet again in the seaside town where they fell in love as adolescents 20 years earlier while spending their summer vacation there with their families. It could be a chance to rediscover each other and to lend continuity to a relationship that was interrupted, in his case at least, traumatically. But the disquieting presence of her 15 year old daughter insinuates itself between them. He transfers his feelings to the young girl and relives, in a kind of addendum the same feelings that were cut short by the abrupt separation. A three-way relationship is formed, colored by tensions, generational conflicts, and subtile psychological games. Each of the three will emerge from the rapport in their own way. Each will emerge, no doubt, changed.
18 anni tra una settimana
Il grande Blek
Waiting for the train that will take him away, a man goes back over moments of his small-town upbringing: the relationship with his family, his own involvement in the youth protests of 1968 and a childhood friend died too soon.
Il grande Blek
Waiting for the train that will take him away, a man goes back over moments of his small-town upbringing: the relationship with his family, his own involvement in the youth protests of 1968 and a childhood friend died too soon.