Valentine Tessier

Valentine Tessier

Nacimiento : 1892-08-05, Paris, France

Muerte : 1981-08-11


Valentine Tessier


My Husband, His Mistress and I
Middle-aged lust: a man, in his thirteenth and therefore omen-filled marriage year, cheats on his wife.
Grandeur nature
La mère
Michel es un hombre maduro que tiene todo lo que puede desear: un buen trabajo, una esposa brillante y una amante joven y apasionada. Pero un día adquiere por capricho una muñeca hinchable que casi parece una mujer real. Así empieza a disfrutar de la sumisión y la docilidad que no puede encontrar en su esposa, llegando incluso a tener celos y a desconfiar de aquellos que puedan desearla o “mancillarla”.
Maigret en el caso de la condesa
Countess de Saint-Fiacre
El comisario de policía Jules Maigret vuelve al pequeño pueblo donde transcurrió su infancia a petición de la condesa de Saint-Fiacre, que ha recibido una inquietante carta anónima.
El jorobado de Notre Dame
Aloyse de Gondelaurier
Adaptación del clásico de Victor Hugo, con una exuberante Gina Lollobrigida como Esmeralda y el siempre excelente Anthony Quinn interpretando al tierno jorobado enamorado de la bella zíngara.
French Cancan
Mme. Olympe
Tanto Nini, una guapa chica que trabaja en una lavandería, como otras atractivas jóvenes son contratadas por Monsieur Danglard para unirse a su compañía de teatro. Danglar tiene previsto abrir un nuevo cabaret en París, el Moulin Rouge, donde la gran atracción será el cancán. A pesar de que tiene novio, Nini es seducida por Danglard, pero su principal admirador es el príncipe Alexandre. Tras 15 años de estancia en los Estados Unidos, "French Cancan" supone el regreso de Renoir a su país.
The story takes plays during the annual Good Friday pageant in a tiny Italian village. Local priest Don Vincenzo faces a crisis when the girl selected to play the Virgin Mary shows up pregnant.
Stain on the Snow
Mrs. Irma
La neige était sale is based on a novel and play by the phenomenally prolific Georges Simenon. Upon learning that his mother was a prostitute, Frank (Daniel Gelin) dejectedly vows that he, too, will live a life of debauchery. Part of his self-degradation program is to kill someone, and since the story takes place during the Nazi occupation of France, he chooses a German officer as his victim. His steady descent into psychosis and depravity becomes his ultimate undoing.
Lucrecia Borgia
Julie Farnese
En la Italia del siglo XVI, Cesar Borgia planea el asesinato del marido de su hermana Lucrecia, pero ésta ha tomado un amante más poderoso, capaz de desafiar a los Borgia.
Des quintuplés au pensionnat
la directrice
In a girls boarding-school run by Madame Piégeois,young Gisèle meets, at night, the count of Champrès 's son.
The Two Truths
Madame Muk
The young Loris is undergoing a trial for killing his girlfriend Maria Luce. According to the reconstruction of the facts, the young man would shoot his mistress making it then end up under the wheels of a tram. On the remains of the woman's body, however, there is no trace of a gunshot wound and, during the trial, the accused, who appears hypnotized, refuses to answer. The arrival of the ex-lawyer Cidoni, who takes the place of the defense, overturns the thesis of the prosecution and instead demonstrates that the victim was not a naive girl as had been believed up to then.
Trial at the Vatican
Mère Marie de Gonzague
In 19th-century France, a little girl follows her two sisters into a Carmelite monastery with the goal of becoming a saint.
Nariz de cuero
Simone de Tainchebraye
Tras ser herido en la cara en combate, el conde Roger de Tinchebraye se ve obligado a esconder su cara desfigurada tras una máscara de cuero y decide convertirse en un Casanova. Cuando encuentra el verdadero amor, el cínico Roger lo ignora y permite que la pura e inocente Judith se case con un viejo marqués; tras la muerte de su esposo, Judith se vuelve a encontrar con Roger, quien le muestra su cara desfigurada, lo cual no la desalienta en absoluto.
Justicia cumplida
Marceline Micoulin,antiquaire, une jurée
Elsa Lundestein, criada de Maurice Vaudreamont, le ayuda en todas sus investigaciones, ya que éste está afectado por un cáncer. Sin embargo Maurice consigue que Elsa le prometa que acabará con su vida en caso de que sus investigaciones no obtengan resultados. El problema es cuando el suceso es visto ante un jurado.
Martine discovers, on the eve of her wedding, that her mother, whom she believed to be dead, leads an adventurous life. Pierre, her fiancé, unable to overcome his family's opposition to the revelation of this news, decides to kidnap Martine. The adventurer, who is not recognized by her daughter, agrees to leave France. The family of the young man will no longer put obstacles in the way of marriage.
The Four-Poster Bed
Madame Porey-Cave
In his prison cell, the composer Remi Bonvent composed an opera, The columns bed. The director of the prison, Porey Cave, succeeds made believe he is the author of this work. The death of the two protagonists will prevent the discovery of the truth.
Sabine Guéret
A young man is hired by an industrialist, while a secret hangs over his birth. His boss's wife turns out to be his mother, who hides the truth from him.
The Phantom Wagon
la capitaine Anderson
French version of the Selma Lagerlof story, most famously filmed in 1921 by Victor Sjostrom, about a poor sinner who only realizes what misery he's wrought when he dies on New Year's Eve and is collected by Death in his carriage.
Abused Confidence
Hélène Ferney
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
Madame Collinet
Because they brought her back a lost piece of jewelry, a very rich lady accedes to the request of three old people and transforms a vacant lot into a park for the neighborhood children.
Girls' Club
Gabrielle Aubry - la doctoresse
A hotel for women-only and catering to working girls is the setting for not being able to get a USA PCA seal-of-approval for this French-film, but New York City's 55th Playhouse played it anyway. Along the way the audience meets the girl who sneaked her lover into her no-men-allowed room and her patch soon turns blue; a young lady with a passionate intensity who chooses another young lady as the object of her affections; the blindly-misguided director of the hotel, another lady of real easy virtue who is not the one who smuggled her lover into her room; and a girl who is only there as a procurer for a slavery ring.
The Queen and the Cardinal
Madame de Chevreuse
A hero of the Paris streets is recruited for a conspiracy against Mazarin in the court of the King, but he reveals the subversive plot to Anne of Austria.
Madame Bovary
Emma Bovary
Adaptación de la novela de Gustave Flaubert. Emma Rouault, una joven provinciana, se casa con Charles Bovary, un médico que acaba de enviudar, pero no tarda en sentirse insatisfecha y perder el respeto por su marido. Mientras que Bovary es feliz en su rutina de médico pueblerino, Emma tiene otras aspiraciones.