Jakob Garfield


Tras la muerte de su madre, una chica de 17 años es acogida por su tía Bodil, la matriarca de una familia mafiosa en la que la violencia, el crimen y la crueldad nunca aparecen bajo el prisma de la idealización.
Sound Designer
Having fled from Syria, two doctors and their children become separated. The kids bravely live on their own in Turkey, while their parents make it to Canada and Denmark. Now they're stuck in a Kafkaesque system that reduces their family life to Skype calls. Will they manage to reunite? The film follows a family divided by war and invites the audience to experience the consequences of choices made under huge pressure.
The Reunion 2: The Funeral
Sound Designer
Vuelven los tres amigos del instituto, Thomas (Troels Lyby), Andreas (Anders W. Berthelsen) y Niels (Nicolaj Kopernikus) los cuales se habían encontrado en la la primera película Klassefesten / The Reunion (2011).Thomas finalmente se va a casar, y Andreas le ha organizado la despedida de soltero del siglo ... es lo que él piensa. Durante la despedida de soltero Niels se entera de que su esposa le ha sido infiel con Torben (Kirsten Lehfeldt); Torben que por desgracia muere de un derrame cerebral esa misma noche. Además de una boda, los tres amigos ahora deben asistir a un funeral. Niels lucha por perdonar a su esposa y así salvar su matrimonio, que pende de un hilo, Thomas está en crisis por malas críticas de su nuevo disco y Andreas sigue luchando para encontrar el gran amor.
The Nameless Spectacle
Borrowing its title from the William Carlos Williams poem of the same name, Nameless Spectacle revela in the beauty of ordinary life through themes of voyeurism, power, and sexual violence. Projected on two duelling screens the viewer is unable to focus on the parallel perspectives of the film’s dual perspectives.
Bodybuilding is the pure narcissism. While the runner struggles against time and the weightlifter struggles with the weights, the bodybuilder only has his mirror. Exercise programs, diets and hours and hours in a training room are only the outside of an extreme discipline and eternal struggle for the ideal body. An ideal body that, to most people, seems absurd, but nonetheless has a fascinating power. Not least because most people in the western world even know about the hunt for the perfect body.
A Voyage in Dwelling
The films register as an uneasy mapping of female desire, as they chart the slippage between one woman's actual and imagined sexual self. Just sensitively explores the idea that "the received paradigm of a man's journey is that he always returns to the point of departure expecting to find his home and wife unchanged, unaffected. Benedikte's experience, by contrast, is one of pleasurable displacement - she becomes a nomad in her own mind, never returning to her former status quo." Shot on a remote island and on a dilapidated Polish ferry, the trilogy also features an original soundtrack by Theremin composer Dorit Chrysler and American transgender singer/songwriter, Baby Dee.
A Vicious Undertow
Sound Engineer
A Vicious Undertow offers a dreamlike narrative—a vision from a stylish, black and white world where music is a language and fabric patterns enhance the mood and define character. Despite the film’s mysteries, and how much it leaves to our interpretations and imaginations, Just bases his work in real emotions, finding every kind of expression in his actor’s faces, hands, and bodies. Resisting this enigmatic story becomes more difficult with each longing glance, haunting melody, and swooning turn of the camera.