Ding Jiali

Ding Jiali

Nacimiento : 1959-12-16, 中国, 黑龙江, 佳木斯


Ding Jiali


Five Hundred Miles
金好妈妈 / Jin Hao's mother
If exchanging lives would exchange family members, would you still be willing? After Zhong Da and Jin Hao went on a blind date, he accidentally changed bodies with Lu Xiaogu, a boy who had a crush on Jin Hao, and exchanged family members by mistake, opening a story that is hilarious and tearful.
Hi, Mom
Bao Yumei (middle-aged)
Una mujer viaja atrás en el tiempo para hacerse amiga de su propia madre en un intento de mejorar su vida.
Los Más Valientes
Basado en eventos de la vida real, la película gira en torno a los esfuerzos heroicos de un equipo de bomberos mientras intentan lidiar con un incendio que estalla en una refinería de petróleo en Dalian
Push and Shove
Yu Feng and Liang Liang's puppy gets gravely injured while defending them from the neighbour's large and aggressive Tibetan Mastiff. The arrogant owner of the Tibetan Mastiff, however, refuses to take responsibility, and the police aren't of much help since no people were hurt. When push comes to shove, Yu Feng vows to fight for justice for his puppy.
La ceniza es el blanco más puro
Woman on Boat
Qiao es una joven bailarina que vive en los subrubios industriales de la ciudad de China, una zona que toma el nombre de Datong, donde se enamorará de Bin, un mafioso de la zona. Tras una pelea entre bandas, en la que se ve mezclado el joven, Quiao dispara para poder protegerle y es sentenciada a cinco años de prisión. Después de ese largo periodo, ella volverá a buscar a Bin para poder continuar su apasionada historia de amor desde el punto en que la dejaron.
Hidden Man
Master's Wife
Un joven espadachín en la China de los años 30 regresa a casa para resolver un crimen. Tercera entrega de la trilogía que incluye a "Let The Bullets Fly" y "Gone With The Bullets"
The Golden Era
Xu Guangping
Biopic sobre la escritora de los años 30 Xiao Hong, una de las figuras femeninas más importantes de la china contemporánea.
Regreso a casa
Mr. Fang's wife
El preso político Lu Yanshi es liberado cuando termina la Revolución cultural. Cuando regresa a casa, descubre que su esposa sufre de amnesia; no lo reconoce y continúa esperando el retorno de su esposo sin darse cuenta de que está a su lado.
Chongqing Blues
Li Yuying
Lin, capitán de barco, regresa después de 6 meses en el mar y recibe la noticia de la muerte de su hijo de 25 años, Lin Bo, derribado por la policía. Regresa a Chongqing, la ciudad donde vivió en otro tiempo, para descubrir lo que sucedió y se da cuenta de lo poco que conocía a su hijo. Entonces comprende hasta qué punto su ausencia ha pesado sobre la vida de su hijo.
Eat Hot Tofu Slowly
Liu Hao is pedicab driver living in a country town of Hebei Province. He has three women in his life. The first one left a unrelated son when leaving him. The second one disliked his unrelated son. The third one is return of life according to his goodness and contentment.
Cala, My Dog!
Yu Lan
The humdrum existence of a Beijing factory worker and his family is disrupted when their beloved dog is confiscated by the police for being unlicensed. The worker has but 24 hours to raise the sizable sum required to pay the license fee.
Lotus Lantern
Bakery Seller (voice)
A young boy named Chen Xiang uses a magical lotus lantern to search for and rescue his mother, a goddess, from the cruel punishment she received from her brother, the king of the gods, for falling in love with a mortal man.
Steal Happiness
Signal Left, Turn Right
Country Teachers
Deng's Wife
When a woman is forced to work as a teacher in rural mainland China, she sees a clear goal. If she can become a certified, government employee, then she can teach her students and make a better life for herself at the same time. She carries a heavy responsibility, however. For most of her students, the education that they receive in her classroom is the only preparation they will have for the entrance exams to college-the only avenue out of poor, rural life. Can she balance her needs and the needs of so many young, hopeful people?
A taxi driver is ready to raise an infant abandoned in his cab in Beijing.
The film follows a nurse, Ye Tong (Kong Lin), who also serves as the film's narrator. One day, Ye Tong reunites with some childhood friends, including Peng Wei, a disillusioned and long-haired young man who leads a local rock band. Ye finds herself attracted to Peng Wei's lifestyle, despite the admonitions of her police officer friend, Zheng Weidong. When Zheng is injured by a mutual friend, Ye finds herself increasingly attracted to the strait-laced Zheng, while also finding herself attracted to Peng.
Da Gui
Filial Son And Filial Piety
Erxiao's Sister
The issue of possible funeral reform by the Chinese government convinces an elderly woman to have her funeral ahead of time while she is still alive.
After Divorce
Mrs Li
This movie made in the 1990's emphasize the urgent need of the legal reform regarding the divorce law, just like the Huge Battle of Divorce (1992), and the difference is that the hidden theme of this movie is concentrated on the settlement after the divorce while the Huge Battle of Divorce (Li Hun Da Zhan) concentrated on the process.
Li Lianying, the Imperial Eunuch
Set against the backdrop of the Boxer Rebellion and the takeover of the Forbidden City by foreign powers, the empress-dowager Cixi and her notorious chief eunuch fight a losing battle to preserve their corrupt and autocratic regime.
Qing Yao is a botanist. She bumps into Zhang Gaixiu, a taxi driver. First they hate each other and gradually they understand each other and later help each other.
The Spring Festival
A story of a family's dilemma between different family member especially between 2 generations which erupted on “chu xi” (the day before the first day in Chinese lunar year). China's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1991.
La vida inolvidable
Después de conseguir un aborto en una clínica local, soltera Beijing TV anclaje Lu Yun decide centrar su siguiente informe especial sobre temas reproductivos de la mujer, que trabaja en la clínica a la investigación de su tema. pepecine.net
First Woman in the Forest
A college student researches the story of 8 brothers who flee Hebei province in the 1940's for the forests of Heilongjiang's Great Khing'an Mountains.