Sergey Melkumov

Sergey Melkumov

Nacimiento : 1962-11-11, Makhachkala, USSR (Russia)


Sergey Melkumov


Unclenching the Fists
In a former mining town in North Ossetia, a young woman struggles to escape the stifling hold of the family she loves as much as she rejects.
Mama, I'm Home
Tonya is a bus-driver in a village on the outskirts of Nalchik, a modest city in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. Together with her daughter, Tonya is eagerly awaiting the return of her only son, who is fighting for a Russian private military contractor in Syria. When Tonya is told that he has been killed in action, she refuses to believe it. She is sure that there was a mistake and her son is alive. She begins a grueling public battle with the contractor and the authorities, demanding the return of her son. When it becomes obvious that all efforts to silence Tonya are fruitless, a strange young man arrives on her doorstep...
Chernobyl 1986 (Chernobyl: Abyss)
Chernóbil: Abyss es el primer gran largometraje ruso sobre las consecuencias de la explosión de la central nuclear de Chernóbil, cuando cientos de personas sacrificaron sus vidas para limpiar el lugar de la catástrofe y evitar con éxito un desastre aún mayor que podría haber convertido una gran parte del continente europeo en una zona de exclusión inhabitable.
Fisherman's Daughter
In a tiny Azerbaijani fishing village young Sarah's father disappears at sea. Misfortunes abound until the superstitious inhabitants demand a funeral. Rebellious Sarah undertakes one last, and deadly, attempt to find her father.a
Baba Yaga: El regreso del demonio
La joven familia que se mudó a un nuevo apartamento en las afueras de la ciudad. La niñera contratada por ellos para la hija recién nacida rápidamente ganó confianza. Sin embargo, el niño mayor, Egor, habla del comportamiento aterrador de una mujer, pero sus padres no le creen. Las cámaras de vigilancia instaladas por el padre para mayor comodidad solo confirman que todo está en orden. Entonces, un día, Egor, al regresar a casa, no encuentra rastro ni de la niñera ni de la hermana pequeña, y los padres están en un trance extraño y ni siquiera recuerdan que tuvieron una hija. Entonces Egor, junto con sus amigos, va en busca, durante la cual resulta que la niñera es un antiguo demonio eslavo, conocido popularmente como Baba Yaga.
(UN)Ideal Man
In a future in which human-like androids have become commonplace companions and servants, one, with a handsome male appearance, finds its owner's feelings difficult to understand and her desires impossible to fulfill.
La novena profecía
San Petersburgo en el siglo XIX estaba lleno de entusiastas de lo oculto y lo esotérico. La médium británica Olivia Reed llegó a la capital del Imperio Ruso y congregó a la gente en sus sesiones espiritualistas. Al mismo tiempo, una serie de asesinatos con rituales ocurrieron en la ciudad.
The Lenin Factor
Having dedicated his life to the preparation of the revolution in the Russian Empire, Vladimir Lenin, living in exile in Switzerland, desperately seeks a way back to Russia to take control. Options are few when Lenin receives an offer from Alexander Parvus, the most infamous of political opportunists, who has made a deal with Germany to sponsor the revolution under Lenin’s command and smuggle Lenin and his comrades into Russia. Aware that making a deal with 2 devils could cost him everything, Lenin knows he must outsmart and outmaneuver Parvus and the Germans at any cost...
Una gran mujer (Beanpole)
Leningrado, 1945. La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha devastado la ciudad y derruido sus edificios, dejando a sus ciudadanos en la miseria tanto a nivel físico como psíquico. El asedio (uno de los peores de la Historia) ha terminado, la vida y la muerte continúan combatiendo en el desastre que la guerra deja tras de sí. Dos mujeres jóvenes, Iya y Masha, tratan de encontrar un sentido a sus vidas para reunir fuerzas de cara a reconstruir la ciudad.
Sin amor
El matrimonio formado por Zhenya y Boris está decidido a divorciarse: el amor se ha acabado entre ellos y lo han encontrado en otras personas. Viviendo aún juntos, las discusiones y la poca comunicación son algo normal en esta 'familia'. Mientras su hijo Ayoshya vive esta situación frente a la pantalla de su ordenador y escondiendo sus lágrimas. Durante una última pelea, el niño desaparece. Unidos por lo que más les importa a ambos, tendrán que luchar por encontrar a Ayoshya en una búsqueda que supone un punto de inflexión en la relación de la pareja.
The Duelist
Volviendo a San Petersburgo después de un largo exilio, el Yakovlev corriendo, un oficial retirado del ejército, hace una vida cómoda al ganar duelos de otras personas. Un profesional enigmática, enfocado y muy hábil, que deja un rastro de cadáveres detrás de él mientras se arremolina a través de la buena sociedad, con frecuencia llamados a empuñar una pistola como un sustituto en los duelos al amanecer. Pero cuando se encuentra con el Yakovlev ingenua joven príncipe Tuchov y su bella hermana, la princesa Marta, la mercenaria normalmente de corazón frío es sorprendido por las emociones que hasta ahora no detectados. Lo que sucede descubre una serie de revelaciones sobre su pasado y su presente auto.
Kolia vive en un pueblito a orillas del mar de Barents, al norte de Rusia. Tiene un taller de mecánica al lado de su casa, en donde vive con su joven esposa, Lylia, y su hijo Romka, fruto de una relación anterior. El alcalde del pueblo, Vadim Sergeyich, desea apropiarse del terreno de Kolia, de su casa y su taller para realizar sus proyectos. Primero intenta comprar el terreno, pero Kolia no soporta la idea de perder todo lo que posee; no solamente el terreno, sino la belleza que le rodea desde que nació.
The Adventurers
Katya and her fiancé Andrey - successful young banker fly to Malta on holiday. At the diving center they accidentally meet Max - professional diver, secretly engaged in black archaeology and Katya's ex boyfriend so the adventures start...
Noviembre de 1942. Continúa el implacable asedio a la ciudad de Stalingrado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Rodeados de tropas alemanas y escasos de municiones, un grupo de soldados rusos se preparan para defender un edificio hasta el final.
El paso del diablo
En 1959, en Dyatlov Pass, fueron encontrados desnudos y mutilados los cadáveres de nueve esquiadores. Muchos años después, un grupo de estudiantes se traslada al escenario de los hechos para investigar esas extrañas e inexplicables muertes. Lo que les sucederá alcanza mucho más allá de la más aterradora imaginación...
Una mujer de avanzada edad debe elegir entre un saludable marido y un hijo alcohólico cuya enfermedad esta conduciendo a la familia directamente a la pobreza.
Innocent Saturday
A group of friends and bandmates look to escape from the Chernobyl disaster.
Melody of Love
I Love You
These are the stories of the three guys,three friends, living in a city in the south of Russia. In the course of a year they recorded their everyday lives with a small HDcam. This record is what comprises the movie and to what it is dedicated. Our heroes are eighteen years old and they live average lives: work, have parties and, fall in love. But finally they will have to make those most important of personal choices which will define their future.
The Man at the Window
Alexander Dronov, the actor, didn't have many success in his life. But despite all the troubles he has an important life mission - he's the man at the window.
La Isla Habitada 2
Sigue la historia de Maxim, un joven astronauta que en un viaje espacial realizado en 2157 encuentra un nuevo planeta. Una vez allí, se encuentra un mundo que combina la crueldad medieval con armas tecnológicas
Cuando en 1941 la Alemania nazi invadió la Unión Soviética, sus tropas rápidamente sitiaron Leningrado. Los periodistas extranjeros fueron evacuados, pero uno de ellos, Kate Davies pierde el avión. Sola en la ciudad, contará con la ayuda de Nina Tsvetnova, una joven idealista. Juntas lucharán no sólo por su supervivencia, sino también por la de otras personas.
La Isla Habitada
Año 2157, una nave espacial rusa comandada por Maxim Kamerrer choca en el lejano planeta de Saraksh. Después de largos años de guerra nuclear, una crisis ambiental se cierne sobre el planeta, la sociedad se enfrenta a graves problemas sociales y la paz es muy inestable. El piloto informará sobre el misterioso planeta gobernado por los Unknown Fathers, cinco gobernantes anónimos que manipulan el conocimiento de los habitantes a través de emisores especiales. El piloto encontrará allí nuevo amigos y enemigos, incluso el amor, y acabará dirigiendo un movimiento rebelde que desafiará a estos gobernantes.
The One Who Switches Off the Light
For two months a serial killer has been terrorizing the city of St. Petersburg. Every Wednesday a girl between 9 and 12 years old is the victim. The brutality of the maniac plunges city residents into horror. Parents are afraid of leaving their children alone on the street. The press reinforces the atmosphere of fear and hysteria.
Once there were seven of them. They were engaged in science and did not assume that their secret experiment to create a person close to the ideal would be successful. They thought that no one would ever find out. But years passed, and it turned out that someone else was privy to their secret. They began to die. One by one. One after the other. Scary and inevitable…
A Wizard
A story of love between a young soldier Sergey and a fellow officer Anna.
Detective story set up in the time and place of young Pushkin, at Tsarskosel'sky Liceum.
For a whole her life Olga knew that she's going to meet her prince charming on New Year Eve. So today is December 31st and she's ready and waiting...
Park of the Soviet Period
Oleg, the host of a TV show is asked to cover in his show a new ultramodern amusement park called "Park of the Soviet Period". The life in the park is an exaggerated version of the soviet life - pioneers parading, girls selling soda water on the street, socialist banners are everywhere, communist party decisions, free medical procedures, etc. When Oleg falls in love with a nurse he discovers that the rules of the Park forbid any personal contact with the staff, that was trained to live a very different life compared to the life in the world outside. As he fights to gain the heart of the nurse he finds deep flaws in the Utopian atmosphere of the park and decides he must do something about it.
El traductor
Ira es rusa. Ivan Tashkov, también. Ella tiene 23 años, vive en Ginebra con su madre y sabe muy poco sobre su patria. Tashkov es un supuesto capo de la mafia rusa que está en la cárcel a la espera de ser juzgado. Como intérprete del abogado defensor de Tashkov, Ira, que está buscando sus raíces y su propio camino en la vida, en seguida cae bajo el hechizo de este hombre, poderoso, culto y manipulador.
La novena compañía
Narra la incursión soviética en Afganistán en los años 80. Un grupo de jóvenes reclutas de la 9ª Compañía se preparan para ir a la guerra. Una vez en Afganistán, participan en la feroz y sangrienta batalla por la Colina 3234.
Honey Baby
An American, with a past as a successful musician, makes a living by playing at weddings and the likes in Germany. Then he gets an offer to tour in East Europe. During his travels he gets insight and finds true love.
Wonder Valley
An ordinary ram — one. And a bag of "choice grass" — one. This was enough to mix all the cards and create a comedic parable about the good oddities who live in Central Asia in a place called "Wonderful Valley": an orphan shepherd boy in love with a local beauty, whom his grandfather is going to marry an oligarch. Two stoned scoundrels, serving on the parcels of the oligarch. A kind aunt who believes in miracles and love. And her granddaughter — a local singer who was going to marry an American against the will of her father. One day a ram appears in the village with a mysterious inscription on its side and immediately "everything is mixed up in the "Wonderful Valley": fathers and children, love and hate, oligarchs and shepherds, drugs and magic sheep... And the result is ... three whole weddings!»
A biographical TV movie about Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev that originally aired in four parts on Russia's Channel One. While nostalgic, the film does not attempt to rehabilitate Brezhnev.
The Goddess: How I Fell in Love
Young police detective Faina tries to experiment with herself in order to meet her dead love.
Our Own
It is August 1941. With the battle line far away in the east, three soldiers who have managed to escape from captivity find it difficult to hide: the territory is occupied by the enemy. The local woods are not safe: you can easily get embogged. Are the villagers loyal? Nobody can say. There is an old man who offers to help them. Is he reliable enough? He may kill them or report them to the local German authorities. Anything may happen, but one of them, the sniper, is his son who is his youngest, his dearest.
Kamikaze Diary
Vadim, a young script writer, is killed in Moscow. What's more, he had reached his height of popularity a long time ago. His friend, successful businessmen Maksim Krivoshein, begins his own investigation. Memories of their childhood and the chance discovery of Vadim's diary leads to some shocking discoveries.
Black Ice
Ella es misteriosa, irresistible, aguda y abogada. Él es guapo, seguro de sí mismo, gay y traductor. Ella siempre está sepárandose de alguien. Él piensa que lo sabe todo acerca de sí mismo. Ella se enzarza en una batalla desigual con un oponente. Él quiere que lo dejen en paz. Ellos no se conocen pero un encuentro fugaz en un hospital hace que nadie sepa lo que puede pasar después de esta breve reunión. Las calles de Moscú... el hielo negro ...
In Motion
Modern Russian take on Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" focuses on a few days from one popular Moscow journalist's life and the essential attributes of his life: Sex, betrayal, love, friendship, murders, etc.
Marriage of convenience
What a life? Continuous problems ... Is it easy to solve them for a fragile and attractive girl alone! Of course you have to rely on someone. Yes, just to know who. However, of course, fans are available. And, if you get married, there is also a choice. Yes, I just don’t want to cheapen up: the chosen one should be smart, handsome, and rich. And although potential candidates for husbands, it would seem, come in abundance to their native Yalta in abundance in the summer, how nevertheless these men are imperfect!
In order to justify himself to the bigwigs of the criminal world, a young "gentleman of street luck", a former orphanage April is forced to take from the "godfather" of the mafia order to eliminate the two individuals who allegedly framed him. At the same time, one of the "targets" of April — confused in his relationship with crime businessman Vova — and he must save his life by agreeing to a very dangerous and questionable case. Naturally at one point their way — the roads intersect, but at the wrong time and in the most unexpected place. In just one night, the film's characters are trying to solve their problems, find the truth and, perhaps, pay a high price for it…
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Любить по-русски 3: Губернатор
Tests for a Real Men
A young man is passing a series of psychological tests created by his girlfriend's mother.
Love in Russian 2