Jerónimo Quevedo


Henrique lives alone in the mountains in Portugal. Having his children been taken away by the social services, one day he searches for the psychologist in charge of the process to get some sort of vengeance. From then on, he hides in the forest for several days, trying nothing but to survive.
Federico decide separarse de Magda pero Magda le gana de mano. Federico cae en un pozo depresivo. Sin embargo, su vida empieza a cambiar cuando encuentra en el congelador de su casa unos knishes de papa congelados que le dio su abuela unos meses antes de morir.
En el vanidoso mundo del arte, la inocencia perece. Este es el descubrimiento que vive en carne propia Penélope, una joven que tras embarcarse en un espiral de intrascendentes relaciones arriba a una ámbito de nuevas experiencias, una suerte de abismo moral en el que se verá cada vez más atrapada.
Dear Renzo
Two young Argentines, brought together by chance, wander the streets of New York City, increasingly lost in a maze of currency exchange, translation problems, religious vocation and nocturnal flirtation.
La novia de Frankenstein
Director of Photography
At her summer job, Ivana learns it's easy to create a circle of lies, fiction and love when you're bored.
El novio actual
A filmmaker meets her ex-boyfriend, who plays a role in her new film, in which the authenticity or falsity of a kiss in a gay scene is debated, with backstage included. Metacine or metagay? Gay cinema within cinema or cinema within gay cinema, variations of a daedalus of representations. "The current boyfriend" feeds on lateral humor, on the political of desire as a talk in the kitchen, on the flicker-free observation of who we are and what we pretend to be, as a nucleus that is reinterpreted with always different gestures, once as drama and another like comedy, almost without knowing which is appropriate.
El novio actual
A filmmaker meets her ex-boyfriend, who plays a role in her new film, in which the authenticity or falsity of a kiss in a gay scene is debated, with backstage included. Metacine or metagay? Gay cinema within cinema or cinema within gay cinema, variations of a daedalus of representations. "The current boyfriend" feeds on lateral humor, on the political of desire as a talk in the kitchen, on the flicker-free observation of who we are and what we pretend to be, as a nucleus that is reinterpreted with always different gestures, once as drama and another like comedy, almost without knowing which is appropriate.
El novio actual
A filmmaker meets her ex-boyfriend, who plays a role in her new film, in which the authenticity or falsity of a kiss in a gay scene is debated, with backstage included. Metacine or metagay? Gay cinema within cinema or cinema within gay cinema, variations of a daedalus of representations. "The current boyfriend" feeds on lateral humor, on the political of desire as a talk in the kitchen, on the flicker-free observation of who we are and what we pretend to be, as a nucleus that is reinterpreted with always different gestures, once as drama and another like comedy, almost without knowing which is appropriate.
Enfrentar animales salvajes
Tarzán kidnaps Miss Chile ‘85: King of the jungle and maximum exponent of the anti-Pinochet patriotic command “Manuel Rodríguez”
Executive Producer
Ulises wakes up one day and finds that his girlfriend, Alma, is missing. He embarks on an intense search that reveals hidden aspects of her life which connect to the time they spent together to lead Ulises to investigate a professor of hers and her obsession with a book by Borges. When Bianca, Alma's twin, shows up, circumstances escalate quickly to make Ulises commit a crime just so he can find Alma again.
La mujer perseguida
Love letters, ridiculous love letters, old letters from ridiculous lovers, and a pursuable girl. Then, there’s running in the swimming lessons, in college academies, in the empty lots of suburban Buenos Aires. Dedications, interviews, empty avenues, sketches, and militants. And in the end, two kids in the street, afar, screaming, and kissing.
La mujer perseguida
Love letters, ridiculous love letters, old letters from ridiculous lovers, and a pursuable girl. Then, there’s running in the swimming lessons, in college academies, in the empty lots of suburban Buenos Aires. Dedications, interviews, empty avenues, sketches, and militants. And in the end, two kids in the street, afar, screaming, and kissing.
Los fantasmas
A couple of ghosts spend their leisure hours playing in the fields, enjoying nature and the eternal words that Rainer Maria Rilke wrote over a century ago to a young poet. The film was shot with a photo camera.
El ruido de las estrellas me aturde
Sometimes we find ourselves walking, talking or simply looking at things. That is what the protagonists of this film do. However, inside this mystery of life, we don’t know who they are or what they do. Teddy Williams builds yet again a dense and fantasmatic universe where breezes rhyme with vacancies and to the verb to be has its full double meaning. (M. V.)
Pude ver un puma
The accident leads a group of young boys from the high roofs of their neighborhood, passing through its destruction, to the deepest of the earth.
Vida social
La próxima película de Martín Shanly.
Las moscas
En 1898 Guillermo aparece muerto en una de sus fincas. La noticia llega cuando la familia pasa sus días de verano en Capilla del Monte, Córdoba. Por miedo a que su padre sea enterrado lejos de casa, Margarita y Josefina, sus dos hijas mayores, deciden ir en busca del cuerpo. Sin embargo, lo que debía ser un viaje por las sierras como antesala de duelo, se convierte en un singular viaje esotérico en el que deberán superar varios insólitos obstáculos para los que no están preparadas en absoluto.
Un cuadro japonés
Executive Producer
Un extranjero se aventura a vivir en Buenos Aires por amor. Luego de llegar y muy poco tiempo después, la ruptura con esta mujer toca a su puerta. Un poco desorientado decide regresar a Colombia, sin embargo, algo se lo impide y decide no tomar ese vuelo. Un futuro lleno de amor le esperan a este extranjero que sin darse cuenta, termina envuelto en una historia con más de una participante.
Los restos fósiles
Ante la inminente aplicación de una reforma educativa nacional, un grupo de estudiantes adolescentes se organiza para realizar una toma masiva de colegios. En las vísperas de las tomas, repletas de disputas, asambleas, amoríos y responsabilidades, se desarrollará la empresa política que estos jóvenes llevarán a cabo.
Los restos fósiles
Ante la inminente aplicación de una reforma educativa nacional, un grupo de estudiantes adolescentes se organiza para realizar una toma masiva de colegios. En las vísperas de las tomas, repletas de disputas, asambleas, amoríos y responsabilidades, se desarrollará la empresa política que estos jóvenes llevarán a cabo.
Los restos fósiles
Ante la inminente aplicación de una reforma educativa nacional, un grupo de estudiantes adolescentes se organiza para realizar una toma masiva de colegios. En las vísperas de las tomas, repletas de disputas, asambleas, amoríos y responsabilidades, se desarrollará la empresa política que estos jóvenes llevarán a cabo.