Jean-Louis Sonzogni


Pavarotti, Birth of a Pop Star
Director of Photography
Although he is unanimously credited with having democratised opera, making it accessible to the greatest number, focus is rarely put on the strategy he devised and implemented in order to carry out his actions, nor what his actions reveal of the man and artist, and of the resulting metamorphosis from opera singer to pop artist. Through this angle, this film sets out to pay tribute to the man who summed up his credo, obsession and life’s work, in the following way: “They led the public to believe that classical music belonged to a restricted elite. I was the way to prove to the world that was wrong.
Cómo Chaplin se convirtió en Charlot
Director of Photography
Una mirada retrospectiva a la vida y carrera de Charlie Chaplin, desde su dura infancia y su éxito en el music hall en Inglaterra hasta sus primeros días en Hollywood y el desarrollo de su enormemente popular personaje, el Pequeño Vagabundo, también llamado Charlot.
Juliette Gréco, l'insoumise
El viaje extraordinario
Director of Photography
Un repaso a la extraordinaria vida del pionero del cine Georges Méliès (1861-1938) y la sorprendente historia de la copia en color de su obra maestra «Viaje a la Luna» (1902), inesperadamente encontrada en España y restaurada gracias a los heroicos esfuerzos de un grupo de verdaderos amantes del cine.
Camera Operator
Schacko Klak
Director of Photography
The title of the film, set in Luxembourg in 1942, during the Nazi occupation, amalgamates the words Schacko (helmet) and chapeau claque (opera hat). The village, in which it is set, has not yet been feeling the effects of the war at this point.
Camera Operator
Año 1926. Después de seducir a Marcel, un violinista amigo de su marido Pierre, Romaine intenta envenenar a su pareja.