Denis Séchaud


Cri de l'âme
Sound Mixer
Colombine finally wants to know who her father is. But her mother vehemently refuses to tell her. With the help of Mathilde the greengrocer, Colombine obtains a magic potion that transports the 13-year-old several months back in time to the "Fête des Vignerons" wine festival in Vevey. There, Colombine must summon up all her courage to uncover the secret of her father.
El Agua
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Es verano en un pequeño pueblo del sureste de España. Una tormenta amenaza con volver a desbordar el río que lo atraviesa. Una vieja creencia popular afirma que algunas mujeres están predestinadas a desaparecer con cada nueva inundación porque tienen "el agua adentro". Ana (Luna Pamies) vive con su madre (Bárbara Lennie) y con su abuela (Nieve de Medina) en una casa a la que el resto del pueblo mira con suspicacia. En medio de la atmósfera eléctrica que precede a la lluvia, Ana conoce a José (Alberto Olmo) a la vez que lucha por aventar a los fantasmas.
Sound Mixer
A Swiss village, Elisabeth, 17, returns home from the convent after learning of her sister's mysterious death. Reunited with her three childhood friends she discovers that faith and desire can sometimes be intertwined.
The Art of Silence
The first documentary about the legendary mime Marcel Marceau. He inspired several generations of artists, including his grandson and his family, who shed new light on his life’s work.
The Translator
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A Syrian exile living in Australia returns when his brother is taken into custody by the Assad regime in 2011.
La chica y la araña
Sound Mixer
Lisa se va a mudar. Mara se queda. A medida que se cambian las cajas y se construyen los armarios, los abismos comienzan a abrirse y se pone en marcha una montaña rusa emocional. Una película de catástrofe tragicómica. Una balada poética sobre el cambio y la fugacidad.
Les Héros du tour
Recording Supervision
Sound Mixer
Since 1952, the Greek cooperative KTEL has run 80% of the country’s public transport system completely independently from the state. Catherine Catella and Shu Aiello crossed the country to meet employees of a company that was shaken up by the economic crisis. From general assemblies to daily journeys, Leoforio documents the multiple conditions of a model that is organising its resistance.
Yalda, la noche del perdón
En el Irán actual, Maryam una joven de 22 años, es sentenciada a muerte tras matar por accidente a su marido, Nasser, de 65. La única persona que puede salvarla es Mona, la hija de Nasser. Para ello, solo tiene que acudir a un conocido programa de televisión y perdonar en directo a Maryam. Pero cuesta perdonar cuando ambas se ven obligadas a revivir el pasado.
El Refugio de la ardilla
Sound Mixer
Una anciana que padece el síndrome de Diógenes acumula en su casa cajas de cartón llenas de recuerdos. Su nieta la visita todas las semanas y la abuela inventa, con estos tesoros acumulados, historias maravillosas. Pero mientras la niña va creciendo, el espacio libre en la casa va menguando.
The Journey - A Story of Love
Sound Editor
A husband acts as a caregiver to his quadriplegic wife.
6999 Doors
Mix Technician
Located on the île de la Cité, in the middle of the Seine, the Paris Law Court looks like an impenetrable fortress. Like Kafka’s castle, it guards its secrets well. It is the place of power. The filmmaker, who worked there for several years as a crime reporter, is extremely familiar with its labyrinthine spaces, its practices, its ceremonies. She comes back to it now, while the Courthouse, such as she knows it, is about to disappear: its relocation is planned in 2017. So, she explores it, camera in hand, on the traces of her experience.
A Long Way Home
Sound Mixer
Five Chinese artists stand at the centre of the film: the modern dancer Wen Hui, the writer Ye Fu, the cartoonist Pi San and the visual artists Gao Brothers. They are part of a fragile yet courageous counterculture. Taking their own family stories as starting points, they explore the echoes of the past in order to understand the predicaments of the present. Increasingly, their struggle for a democratic civil society seems as relevant for the world today as it is for China.
Jean Ziegler: The Optimism of Willpower
Sound Designer
In 1964, Che Guevara asked the young Jean Ziegler to stay in Switzerland to fight in the "Monster brain" capitalist. Since then, Jean Ziegler nerve stops fighting against injustices as a public writer, a speaker and as a Kofi Annan collaborator. During a trip to Cuba, his ideas are challenged by what he discover on the island.
La vida de Calabacín
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Calabacín es un niño valiente que después de perder a su madre tiene que ingresar en un hogar de acogida, con otros niños huérfanos de su edad. En un primer momento se esfuerza por encontrar su lugar en este nuevo medio hostil. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de sus nuevos amigos, Calabacín aprende a confiar, encuentra el verdadero amor y una nueva familia.
El milagro de Tekir
Sound Mixer
Expulsada de su casa tras quedarse embarazada de forma misteriosa, una curandera que trata de limpiar su nombre conoce a una mujer que ansía el mismo milagro.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sam, a seven years old kid, has been living with his mother since the divorce of his parents. He has to temporarily move in with his father, Gerome, who has never taken care of him. So, Sam is not close with his father. Everyone around Gerome thinks that he's incapable to look after a child. After a chaotic start, Sam, by the force of his convictions, is going to help Gerome to get mature and to teach him how to become a father that he missed so much.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
At Uz, an isolated hamlet in the northern mountains of Portugal, four generations live together in a group of around fifty people. When life is rough, solidarity is of the highest order. Everything else is left in God’s hands. They could have emigrated, like so many others, but chose to stay and keep their ancestral way of life, away from the racket of modernity.
The Medicine Seller
Sound Mixer
A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, tout dire
Recording Supervision
Like Stone Lions in the Gateway into Night
Sound Designer
Between 1947 and 1951, more than 80 000 Greek men, women and children were deported to the isle of Makronissos (Greece) in reeducation camps created to ‘fight the spread of Communism’. Among those exiles were a number of writers and poets, including Yannis Ritsos and Tassos Livaditis. Despite the deprivation and torture, they managed to write poems which describe the struggle for survival in this world of internment. These texts, some of them buried in the camps, were later found. «Like Lions of stone at the gateway of night» blends these poetic writings with the reeducation propaganda speeches constantly piped through the camps’ loudspeakers. Long tracking shots take us on a trance-like journey through the camp ruins, interrupted along the way by segments from photographic archives. A cinematic essay, which revives the memory of forgotten ruins and a battle lost.
Médiums d'un monde à l'autre
Recording Supervision
Debra Milke
Sound Editor
The Girl and the Hunter
Sound Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
"Prud’hommes" is an immersion into the heart of a judicial court that handles disputes between employers and employees. This specific jurisdiction is a place of confrontation where the tensions, suffering and revolts that span the world of employment are exposed. In search of justice or recognition, employees speak out and face their employer face to face. This unique theatre plunges us into a real human drama and forces us to reflect upon today's society.
Toumast - Entre Guitare et Kalashnikov
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Teenage Stories-1-The End of Innocence
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Follow the daily lives of 11 12-year-olds in the city of Yverdon. What do teens do in Yverdon-les-Bains? What are their dreams, their revolts? How do they see their future? Which society would they want to build? In which Switzerland would they like to live?
Foley Recordist
Desde que la biosfera se colapsó en la Tierra, la mayoría de personas viven en estaciones espaciales cada vez más llenas. La única esperanza para escapar de este caos es RHER, un planeta paradisíaco que se encuentra a 5 años luz de distancia. La historia del film sucede en el viejo buque espacial Kassandra, en su camino hacia la estación 42. La joven médico Laura es la única despierta a bordo, el resto de la tripulación se encuentra durmiendo en estado de hibernación. Laura estará 4 meses así, durante sus patrullas diarias por la nave, la chica empezará a creer que no se encuentra sola a bordo. Una misión de descubrimiento en la oscura y fría bodega de carga acaba en catástrofe. Ahora toda la tripulación ha despertado, y un juego del gato y el ratón empezará donde nada es lo que parece ¿Qué ocultan los extraños contenedores de carga y que ó quien se encuentra junto a ellos a bordo?
Face au juge
The Fortress
Recording Supervision
The personal stories of the people from all around the world waiting for a decision in an asylum-seekers centre in one of most restrictive countries in the world, Switzerland.
Le crépuscule des Celtes
Recording Supervision
Sooner or Later
Squirrel and bat. The convergence of different worlds and times of day. Forces in the underground govern night and day – and much more. By accident, this regulated everyday life has ground to a halt. And thus begins the mutual journey of two solitary figures.
Shake the Devil Off
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Alain Tanner, pas comme si, comme ça
Sound Mixer
El traductor
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Ira es rusa. Ivan Tashkov, también. Ella tiene 23 años, vive en Ginebra con su madre y sabe muy poco sobre su patria. Tashkov es un supuesto capo de la mafia rusa que está en la cárcel a la espera de ser juzgado. Como intérprete del abogado defensor de Tashkov, Ira, que está buscando sus raíces y su propio camino en la vida, en seguida cae bajo el hechizo de este hombre, poderoso, culto y manipulador.
L'année du capricorne
Enero de 1957, en un pequeño pueblo de la Suiza francófona. Una casa burguesa, en la que viven dos hermanas, Clara y Teresa, con un carácter fundamentalmente diferente. Tras el internamiento de su padre, tuvieron que hacerse cargo de la gestión de la pequeña empresa familiar, en la que se fabrican lentes de alta precisión para armas o investigación. Y ahora en la sala de música, el piso se derrumba, roído por un insecto formidable: el capricornio. En una reunión de la parroquia organizada para dar la bienvenida a los refugiados húngaros, se les sugiere confiar la reparación del piso a Kàroly, un hombre "que sabe cómo hacer todo", según la esposa del pastor. En la vida cotidiana casi inmutable de las dos mujeres, la presencia del húngaro dejará algunas huellas ...
The Year of the Deer
Sound Editor
The story of a young deer deceived by appearances, or how a good deed in haste can be the cause of a tragedy.
Rosa de Areia
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Marking a stylistically and philosophically turn away from the earlier features, The Sand Rose is Reis and Cordeiro’s most abstract, conceptual and literary work. The film’s collage structure gathers texts from multiple sources – including Kafka and Montaigne – and crafts a world of theatrical artifice far from the documentary inspired naturalism of Ana and Trás-os-Montes. Reis and Cordeiro’s least known film has lingered in obscurity and never recovered from the unfairly negative reviews that resulted in its severely limited release. Reis died less than two years later, just as he and Cordeiro were about to begin an ambitious adaptation of Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Parámo. - Harvard Film Archive