Nikita Prozorovsky

Nikita Prozorovsky

Nacimiento : 1955-10-17,


Nikita Prozorovsky was born on October 17, 1955. He is a Russian actor and voice actor.


Nikita Prozorovsky


Турбозавры. Год Дракона
The adventures and magic of the New Year whirled the Tarbosaurs in a winter fairy tale. They are looking forward to new discoveries and are always ready to bravely rush to the aid of friends. Together with the Tarbosaurs, Petya and Katya prepare a holiday in honor of the year of the Dragon, find an oasis in the middle of winter and build an ice castle.
Masha i Medved v kino: 12 mesyatsev
On New Year's Eve, any miracles are possible. You can even meet the magical guardians of nature - 12 months, who come together only once a year. This is how Masha meets little January, the Lord of Ice, while the Bear and other forest dwellers prepare for an unforgettable holiday.
Turbozaurs, Go!
New adventures of Turbozaurs and their friends - Katya, Petya and Hippolyta. The team is waiting for bright events full of unusual inventions and incredible adventures, for example, the construction of a rope park and a skating rink in the summer.
Baba Yaga
narrator (voice)
An original interpretation of Baba Yaga's story that goes beyond the traditional image of this character. What led the young sorceress Yadviga to turn into the recluse Yaga, living on a swamp in a hut on chicken legs? And what will happen when Princess Sapphire (Sineglazka) accidentally stumbles across Yaga's swamp in her quest to find rejuvenating apples at the world's edge for her evil witch stepmother? Baba Yaga is a colorful and fascinating journey, in which the power of friendship and faith in humanity triumphs over betrayal and evil.
Ginger's Tale
The story begins with the good, but poor Potter, who once finds Flint, a magical artifact that makes its owner rich, but instead sends a death curse. Potter can be saved only by the dedication of the main character - a girl named Twinkle. Without hesitation, she rushes to the rescue of a friend, helping him to understand that love and honest work are more important than money and power.
Ovejas y Lobos: La Hazaña Mágica
La ciudad unida de ovejas y lobos vive una vida pacífica y tranquila hasta que aparecen dos invitados inesperados: un zorro polar y una pequeña oveja. Nadie esperaba que traigan un peligro mortal, que solo se puede superar si trabajan juntos. Solo el trabajo en equipo puede resolver grandes problemas y enfrentar desafíos serios, ya que hay unidad en la fuerza.
La reina de las nieves en la tierra de los espejos
Admiral (voice)
Un poderoso rey casi pierde a su familia debido a las malas acciones de la Reina de las Nieves. Encuentra una manera de prohibir toda la magia del mundo: todos los poseedores de poderes mágicos ahora están atrapados en Mirrorlands. La única que puede detenerlo y mantener el cuento de hadas en nuestro mundo es Gerda, ya que su mayor poder no es la magia, sino su fe en la amabilidad y la amistad. En las nuevas aventuras de Gerda, será ayudada por trolls, piratas e incluso la Reina de las Nieves.
For Ever & Ever
An aging writer has been in depression for many years, after breaking apart from his wife. The only thing that connects him to the real world is a teenage daughter, whom he should take care of. But one day in his life appears Anna, a mysterious and beautiful woman whom he finds in a forest.
Ovejas y lobos
Belgur (voice)
En una tierra mágica y lejana, en un pequeño y pintoresco pueblo situado entre verdes prados y colinas, vive un rebaño de ovejas sin preocupaciones. Pero su vida pastoral y libre de estrés se interrumpe cuando una manada de lobos establece su campamento en el barranco cercano. De acuerdo con las tradiciones antiguas, el líder de la manada, Magra, anuncia que su futuro sucesor debe probar su derecho a liderar desbancando a sus rivales. Cuando el poderoso y sanguinario Ragear da un paso adelante, el único lobo lo suficientemente valiente como para desafiarlo es Gris, el favorito de la manada, pero un mete patas sin esperanza. Para llegar a ser un líder y recuperar el amor de Bianca, Gris va hacia el bosque, donde descubre un campamento de conejos gitanos. La adivina conejo Mami le da una mágica poción de la transmutación.Gris la bebe poción y regresa a la cueva de los lobos, pero descubre a su llegada que ya no es otro de ellos. Ahora se ha transformado ¡en una oveja!
Primer Escuadrón
Obergruppenfuhrer SS Linz
En 1942 el combate que mantiene Alemania con Rusia parece no tener fin y ambos países comenzarán a desarrollar unidades especializadas en la magia y el ocultismo. Nadya, una joven medium, se convertirá en la mejor arma del ejército ruso para solventar a su favor ‘el momento de la verdad’, el segundo decisivo en que una batalla se gana o se pierde.
Homeless 2
Relations between Vladimir Rusakov and Tatyana continue to develop, and on his birthday in the presence of guests, Vladimir presents Tatyana as his bride.
The Iron Curtain
1947 ... The Savchenko family returns to Moscow from evacuation - husband and wife with Kostya's little son. They settle with Grandma Kostya in a huge communal apartment. Street meets the boy with a flock of local boys. Then there were: the division of the territory with the "Sretensky"; trophy movie “Girl of my dreams”; a school with separate education, camp discipline and essays about the border guard Karatsyup. And the monetary reform of 1947, when all of their savings depreciated in an instant, and the boys let out boats from banknotes in puddles.
The Whistler
A daring robbery of an antique watch collector has been committed. A passing schoolboy becomes a casual witness of a crime and is suspected of complicity. To justify the boy before the law, his friends themselves take up the case…
Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game
A young teenage boy zealously tracks down criminals in this allegorical drama. Using the code name of Plumbum, Ruslan Chutko (Anton Androsov) delights in the pursuits of lawbreakers before informing the police, and he even turns in his own father when he catches him poaching fish. The questions are left to the viewer whether or not Plumbum is a crusading hero or a scoundrel. Western audiences may find the premise implausible, but children were known to inform on their own parents under the regime of Josef Stalin and others.