Bob Swaim

Bob Swaim

Nacimiento : 1943-11-02, Evanston, Illinois, USA


Bob Swaim


Hard Skills
Lumières Noires
Lumières Noires
Olé !
Andrew Nicholson
Ramon Holgado is the driver of a big boss, as well as his confidant, his golf partner, and the alibi of his escapades. His wife, Carmen, dreams of returning to sunny Andalusia.
Nos amis les flics
Scenario Writer
Une bande de jeunes voyous inoffensifs vivote de petits coups. Après un braquage loupé, ils se trouvent dans l'impossibilité de régler leurs dettes au caïd du coin, qui, pour le rembourser, leur propose le cambriolage d'une fondation d'art moderne. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu et tout s'enchaîne... mal.
Nos amis les flics
Une bande de jeunes voyous inoffensifs vivote de petits coups. Après un braquage loupé, ils se trouvent dans l'impossibilité de régler leurs dettes au caïd du coin, qui, pour le rembourser, leur propose le cambriolage d'une fondation d'art moderne. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu et tout s'enchaîne... mal.
Who Is Bernard Tapie?
This documentary tells two stories simultaneously: it's a profile of Bernard Tapie, a wealthy man who rises and falls spectacularly in French society and may be on the rise again; and, it's a look at Marina Zenovich's fascination with Tapie, behaving oddly in spite of her awareness that she's being irrational. Politicians, athletes, friends, companions, and journalists comment on Bernard's charm, his rise to prominence in sports and politics, and his subsequent trouble with the law. Zenovich becomes fixated on her need to interview Tapie, becoming virtually a stalker in her quest.
La hija de un soldado nunca llora
Bob Smith
Un matrimonio americano -los Willis- se traslada a vivir a París con su hija. Allí, la familia adoptará un niño francés abandonado por su madre adolescente. La vida de los Willis es como la de tantas familias, aunque con la peculiaridad de que son americanos en el extranjero.
The Climb
Baltimore, 1959. Danny's dad is the only man in the neighborhood who didn't fight in World War II. Danny, who's 12, gets teased and folks make nasty cracks about cowards. An old radio tower on a nearby hill is about to be torn down, and Danny decides to climb it to prove his courage. Help comes from an aging neighbor, Old Man Langer, a former construction foreman who's dying of cancer and wants Danny to help him commit suicide. Langer rigs pulleys and weights to help the lad make the climb. Meanwhile, an aggressive and angry neighbor (an army vet) regularly gets drunk and shoots off his rifle, and Danny's dad must confront him. It all comes to a head one stormy night.
Viens jouer dans la cour des grands
Victim of an unfair dismissal, a young secretary strikes back by becoming the assistant to the son of the company's CEO.
Target of Suspicion
Nick Matthews and his wife and business partner, Jennifer, are in Paris to close a deal with Charles, a Frenchman, to market their perfumes in France. Seduced by a beautiful model after returning her wallet that he finds in his hotel lobby, Nick is later accused of raping and murdering her. On the run from police to find the real killer with the help of a street-smart young French girl, he slowly discovers that no one is what they seemed.
A mythical land who must be discover. Or invented. In an impressive library, two old men. One is a great Polish archaeologist at the end of his work. The second- his best friend. They are masters of a substantial slice of human history: legendary Atlantis. It is refuge and masterpiece, propriety and treasure.
Mascarada para un crimen
Tim Whalan, un arribista interpretado por Rob Lowe, seduce a Olivia, una joven heredera de trescientos millones de dólares. La chica, completamente enamorada, decide dejar a Brooke, su prometido, un policía al que conoce de toda la vida. En un enfrentamiento entre éste y su nuevo amor, el primero resultará herido de muerte. Aunque Olivia testificará a favor de Tim, las cosas no harán más que empeorar.
La calle de la Media Luna
Ni su inteligencia ni su doctorado en filosofía y economía china le sirven a Lauren Slaughter para cubrir sus necesidades económicas, así que, finalmente, decide utilizar su último recurso, alquilar su belleza. Convertida en "chica de compañía", conoce a un influyente político, Lord Bulbeck.
La calle de la Media Luna
Ni su inteligencia ni su doctorado en filosofía y economía china le sirven a Lauren Slaughter para cubrir sus necesidades económicas, así que, finalmente, decide utilizar su último recurso, alquilar su belleza. Convertida en "chica de compañía", conoce a un influyente político, Lord Bulbeck.
Espías como nosotros
Special Forces Commander
Chevy Chase y Dan Aykroyd son dos ingenuos funcionarios de los servicios de espionaje norteamericanos que son utilizados como anzuelo para despistar a los agentes rusos, mientras los americanos tratan de llevar a cabo una astuta operación
El membrillo
Nicole, una prostituta parisina, es utilizada por los policías de la Brigada 13ª para llegar a Dede, su novio, el cual les interesa para reemplazar a su antiguo soplón, liquidado por orden del capo de una peligrosa banda a la que la policía quiere detener a toda costa.
El membrillo
Nicole, una prostituta parisina, es utilizada por los policías de la Brigada 13ª para llegar a Dede, su novio, el cual les interesa para reemplazar a su antiguo soplón, liquidado por orden del capo de una peligrosa banda a la que la policía quiere detener a toda costa.
El membrillo
Nicole, una prostituta parisina, es utilizada por los policías de la Brigada 13ª para llegar a Dede, su novio, el cual les interesa para reemplazar a su antiguo soplón, liquidado por orden del capo de una peligrosa banda a la que la policía quiere detener a toda costa.
The Night of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
In 1951, in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the private detective Nestor Burma was commissioned by an insurance company to find stolen jewelery. The deal seemed easy and Burma got an appointment with a well-known black trumpet player in the neighborhood who could provide him with information. But the musician does not come and we find him murdered. The investigation becomes more complicated and Nestor must find an alibi so as not to be suspected of the crime.
The Night of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
In 1951, in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the private detective Nestor Burma was commissioned by an insurance company to find stolen jewelery. The deal seemed easy and Burma got an appointment with a well-known black trumpet player in the neighborhood who could provide him with information. But the musician does not come and we find him murdered. The investigation becomes more complicated and Nestor must find an alibi so as not to be suspected of the crime.
Vive Les Jaques
Pierre finally came back to see his dear grandfather. Together, shortly before the beautiful sunrise, they relive a moment in the life of Corporal Pignerol.
L’autoportrait d’un Pornographe
A photographer specializing in black and white softcore pornography struggles to cope with the decline of his trade in modern Paris.
La famille
Director of Photography
A film by Yvan Lagrange.
Le journal de M. Bonnafous
Le journal de M. Bonnafous
Scenario Writer
Le journal de M. Bonnafous