Documental que recorre el proceso de creación de una banda sonora, mostrando cómo unas pocas notas de piano pueden transportar al clímax de una película. En "Score. Compositores de Oscar" conocemos a los autores de algunas de las bandas sonoras más impactantes de los últimos tiempos, como Tom Holkenborg ("Mad Max: Furia en la carretera"), Mychael Danna ("La vida de Pi"), Howard Shore (las trilogías "El señor de los anillos" y "El hobbit"), Trevor Rabin ("Armageddon"), Bear McCreary ("The Walking Dead"), Tyler Bates ("Guardianes de la galaxia"), Bear McCreary ("Outlander"), Patrick Doyle ("Sentido y sensibilidad") o Christopher Beck ("Frozen. El reino del hielo").
Dead Guy
When they say “love is blind” they must have been talking about Amy and Ben. Amy is a beautiful young woman with a mysterious past. Ben is a scruffy slacker, whose only ambition seems to be avoiding growing up. However, Amy sees something in Ben that Ben doesn't see in himself, which gives Ben the confidence to make something of his life. The power of love shows Ben that being a grown-up isn't such a bad thing after all.