Pierre Massimi

Nacimiento : 1935-07-27,

Muerte : 2013-10-11


The Two of Us
Toussaint and Madeleine have loved each other from the cradle. They are now sixty. They have reached retirement age and have decided to return to Corsica. Toussaint has spent thirty years underground in the maintenance workshops of the Paris metro system. he is happy, but Madeleine misses Paris with its excitement and, above all, their son, who is a doctor in one of the French capital's major hospitals. Madeleine has such love for her son that Toussaint teases her by saying she should ask the Pope for dispensation in order to marry him. Toussaint and Madeleine return to Balba at the beginning of the winter when the days are short, the village bar is closed and the men too scarce for even a game of cards. The silence is occasionally broken by the village idiot, Napolean, as he ambles about shouting the coming death of Corsica while on patrol of the locked-up houses he's been set to guard...
France images d'une révolution
On the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution, this film is a tribute to the French nation, through historical reconstructions of the Revolution and the First Empire, as well as reports on the successes of France modern, the presence of France in the world, its history and its soil.
Flics de Choc
Sylvie and Marie-Christine, two young girls abducted by force by pimps in order to make them participate in perverse shows, testify against their captors and are subsequently assassinated. Commissioner Beauclair and her teammates vigorously tackle the prostitution network in the Paris region. But the witnesses they meet are eliminated one after another ...
Un beau ténébreux
Película televisiva basada en la novela de Julien Gracq.
Un condé
Robert Dassa
Mientras investiga un caso de drogas, un inspector de policía es asesinado a tiros por un gánster. Su colega, el Inspector Favenin es responsable de aclarar este crimen. Él está dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para salvar el honor de su colega, incluyendo violar la ley.
La prairie
Sin with a Stranger
L'homme aux lunettes noires
François, a journalist, is approached on the train home by pretty a blonde. She leaves at the same station as him and follows him until he ends up inviting her to his house.
Pas de panique
A robbery of 10 billion is successfully carried out by a Corsican gang led by a man called Toussaint. The heist is also the start of a war with a rival gang.
Incident in Saigon
The Star Ship
Onboard a spaceship sailing into infinity, generations of travelers are subject to dictatorial rules imposed by the central computer "Psycho." Recruited as a new police officer, Eddy Burns will discover the terrifying secrets behind this flawless system.
Amores célebres
Diversas historias de amor protagonizadas por personajes célebres de la Historia. Los episodios son "Lauzun", "Les comédiennes", "Agnès Bernauer" y "Jenny de Lacour".
Isabelle Is Afraid of Men
If Paris Were Told to Us
Un Photographe
Ambiciosa producción sobre la historia de París que narra con sentido del humor las peripecias de personajes como María Antonieta, Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, el cardenal Richelieu o Luis XVI. El polifacético Sacha Guitry la dirigió, escribió el guión y se reservó el papel de Luis XI.