Molly Ryman


Merry Kiss Cam
Costume Designer
When two people from very different worlds meet on a hockey kiss cam, could it lead to love?
Hurricane Bianca: From Russia with Hate
Carly Ward
Después de ganarse el apoyo del personal y los estudiantes de Milford High School, el profesor de química Richard Martinez, también conocido como Bianca Del Rio, envió a su némesis, la subdirectora Deborah “Debbie” Ward, a la cárcel en un plan impecablemente ejecutado. Cuando Debbie sale de la cárcel, conjura un plan para acabar con Bianca Del Rio de una vez por todas, atrayéndola hacia un peligroso viaje a Rusia para aceptar un premio de enseñanza y un premio en efectivo.
Hurricane Bianca
Carly Ward
Un profesor de Nueva York que se muda a una pequeña ciudad de Texas, es despedido por ser gay, pero regresa disfrazado de mujer para vengarse.
Ink & Steel
In this award-winning crime drama, a ruthless mob enforcer is tasked with protecting his boss's outcast son. As a violent turf war escalates, they hide at a remote upstate New York farm, imposing on a scared single mother and her young son.
Things I Don't Understand
Violet Kubelick
Grad student dealing with eviction in Brooklyn forms a cathartic relationship with a local bartender hiding his own secrets and a terminally ill hospice patient she's interviewing for her thesis on what happens after we die.
Allyson Lodeir
Doyle Simms grows up across the Hudson from NYC and flees his toxic family to attend a film program there. After a bumpy first year he returns more determined than ever to become a storyteller and figure out his place. Financial setbacks force Doyle to find creative "rent-controlled living" and begin a dual life living out of Penn Station while going to school. We follow Doyle over his college years as he begins to build relationships with several colorful characters such as Saul, a homeless book dealer who shows him the ropes and his own brand of street philosophy, and Allyson, a beautiful, struggling actress he carefully begins to pursue and fall for. Doyle begins to find a weird balance and begin to build a home, but the pressure of maintaining his worlds begins to crack the façade and he's forced to confront his past family demons and reconcile the person he wants to be with the person he is.
Charlie on Parole
Charlie, an unlikely ex-con adjusts to life after prison, only to find one thing: it's tough on the outside.
London, 3:00 am: a woman stands alone in the night until a mini-cab driver sees her. Their small-talk turns to seduction as they navigate a city full of foreboding and dark possibilities