Assistant Editor
Por invitacion de un pariente lejano, Julia viaja con su sobrina y sobrino a un Castillo en Europa durante la Navidad. Allí conocerá a Ashton, príncipe de Castlebury y ambos se enamoran perdidamente. Pero el padre del príncipe, el estirado duque de Castlebury, no está de acuerdo con la relación, al considerar a Julia una vulgar plebeya.
Camera Operator
The feature-length documentary Blood and Oil – The Middle East in World War I exposes the Western greed and political intrigue which laid the foundation for wars, coups, revolts, oppressive dictators and military interventions in today’s Middle East. Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, modern Turkey and other hot spots are born as the British and French divide the “fruits of victory” in World War.