Archie Robbins


Bad Boy
Steve Carson
Johnny Fraser (Johnny Downs) leaves his mother (Helen MacKellar) in their small home town and sets out for the big city. He obtains a job with a large firm of architects. Steve Carson (Archie Robbins), a fellow employee, is constantly flaunting the money he has won at the race track. Johnny also bets the races, but loses heavily and takes some of the firm's money to cover his losses.
La última vez que me casé
Reporter in Reno
Narra las andanzas de una caprichosa y alocada heredera que, para salvar un escollo testamentario, decide encontrar marido, lo antes posible, aunque sea pagando... Con lo que no contaba es con que podría enamorarse.
The Lady in the Morgue
Frankie French
A detective investigates the disappearance of a girl's body from the city morgue.
The Kid Comes Back
Kenneth "Rocky" Rockwell (as James Robbins)
A ring veteran turns a Texas tenderfoot into a winning fighter.
Swing It, Sailor!
Second Officer
Comical exploits of two Navy pals, at sea and on shore.
Wine, Women and Horses
An ex-gambler hooks up with an old flame after his old habit resurfaces and drives off his wife.
Public Wedding
The operators of a bankrupt carnival sideshow hope to restore their fallen fortunes by staging a fake 'public wedding' in the mouth of their unprofitable giant whale. But the intended 'bridegroom' absconds with the proceeds, arranging a substitute. The bride, Flip Lane (Jane Wyman), much to her surprise, finds herself really married to a handsome stranger, whose career as an artist she decides to manage, much to his dismay.
The Singing Marine
Bob Brent, a young Marine from Arkansas, impresses his comrades with his singing ability, and they pitch in to send him to New York to compete in an amateur contest. Success in the contest, however, sets him up for trouble in romance, in his career, and with the Corps.
San Quentin
Mickey Callahan
El nuevo capitán de patio de la penitenciaría de San Quentin quiere hacer de los años de cárcel de los reclusos un tiempo para la reinserción, en lugar de para el castigo. Pero no todo el mundo está de acuerdo. Steve Jameson (Pat O'Brien) pretende unas reformas a base de incentivos y amenazas. Una huelga de reclusos y un presidiario estafador que birla un rifle son algunos de los problemas a los que tendrá que hacer frente Jameson. Otro es el recluso Red (Humphrey Bogart), al principio influenciado, pero que vuelve a ver las cosas como antiguamente, y trata de conseguir su libertad de forma violenta.
The Go-Getter
Information clerk (uncredited)
A Navy veteran with one leg fights to make himself a success.
La mujer marcada
Bell Captain (as James Robbins)
El mafioso Johnny Vanning dirige un ostentoso club nocturno de Nueva York en el que explota a sus chicas y las tiene atemorizadas. Mary incita a un juerguista a ganar más dinero del que tiene y, cuando no puede pagar, le matan. El fiscal del distrito, David Graham, convencido de que el caso está ganado, lleva a Vanning a juicio.
The Girl on the Front Page
The heiress to a powerful newspaper owner gets a job at the paper under an assumed name and helps break up a blackmail racket.
The Leavenworth Case
Director Lewis D. Collins' 1936 whodunit is about the investigation into the death of an elderly tycoon, who is murdered shortly after announcing he plans to change his will and give away his fortune.