An animated Gothic tale based on Gérard de Nerval’s short story about a young man crossed in love, who asks the wizard Gonin for help and suffers the consequences.
La Corne d'or is mostly concerned with religious ritual, examining the mosque (and former cathedral) discussed in Byzance. As a contrast against Istanbul's status as a center of historical religious conflict, Pialat — drawing here on texts by the French poet Gérard de Nerval — also describes the city as a place of strange ethnic and religious harmony, with representatives of various cultures and religions living in close contact. He emphasizes the city's hybrid culture, its blend of Southern European and Arab influences, reflected in both its people and its very construction.
Un artista en apuros compra un talismán que le da amor, fama y riqueza. El talismán es una mano izquierda cortada, y funciona perfectamente, de hecho, mágicamente. Pero, por supuesto, no hay nada gratis en este mundo, y después de un año, el diablo viene y pide lo que le corresponde.