Tomáš Berka

Nacimiento : 1947-09-02,


The Chambermaid
Production Design
Just before World War 1, the fifteen-year-old poverty-stricken Anne from a small Slovak town is sent to Prague to be a maid in a wealthy family. She meets Resi, the daughter of a noble family, who was born and raised to be an adornment and a trophy – of the house, of her family, of Austria-Hungary. Anne and Resi, two girls born in the same year, but at the other ends of the social ladder, find a soulmate in each other. They become best friends, lovers and the only light in a male-dominated world.
Set Decoration
Una joven regresa a su aldea natal en las montañas, buscando respuestas sobre su dramática infancia. Pero a medida que intenta desvelar la verdad, las viejas leyendas empiezan a invadir la realidad moderna, llevando a los aldeanos a acusarla de brujería.
The Ballad of Piargy
Set Designer
It's spring 1939. The bishop in Banska Bystrica finds out that in the village of Piargy, that was buried by an avalanche a few days ago, the Antichrist was born. The bishop calls on priest Balaz and asks him to investigate the statements of Johanka, the only survivor of the catastrophe. Balaz wants to know what exactly happened in Piargy.
Healing Waters
Production Design
The Magic Quill
Set Designer
The devil's magic quill keeps a tight record of sins. But when this precious artifact is stolen, a demon must find a way to make things right again.
The Pilgrimage of Students and Jacob
Production Design
It's Better to Be Wealthy and Healthy Than Poor and Ill
Set Decoration
En tono de comedia ácida, el realizador retrata la confusión que sobrevino a la caída del bloque soviético y a la escisión de la antigua República Socialista de Checoslovaquia en dos Estados independientes (los checos por un lado y los eslovacos por el otro), en donde algunos personajes que medraban en la mediocridad se enriquecen súbitamente aprovechando el caos reinante. Con su filme, Jakubisko predijo el crecimiento del nacionalismo irracional en Europa Oriental, así como el desmantelamiento de la Federación Checoslovaca.