Helen P. Butler


A Christmas Carol
Costume Design
Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.
La Princesa y el Marine
Costume Design
Basado en una historia real, el marine estadounidense Jason Johnson (Goselaar) es enviado al Emirato de Bahrein. Mientras está allí, conoce y se enamora de una joven encantadora y enérgica, Meriam (Nichols), sin darse cuenta de que realmente es miembro de la Familia Real de Bahrein. Meriam, que no desea consentir un matrimonio arreglado, sabe que su relación amorosa con Jason es peligrosa, ya que él es un cristiano mormón y ella una musulmana. Sus padres nunca consentirían en su pareja, por lo que Meriam y Jason corren contra el tiempo para escapar de Bahrein y llegar a los Estados Unidos, donde pueden casarse. Si Meriam es enviada de vuelta, sin embargo, su vida puede estar en peligro.
The Lost Child
Costume Design
Knowing the past changes the future. Seeking a connection to her heritage, Rebecca Hoffman sets out on a journey of discovery following the deaths of her adoptive parents. She finds that connection with her birth family in the Navajo community. But cultures clash when her husband is rejected as an outsider. Rebecca and her family experience rebirth in a rich culture and renewal as a family in this dramatic film based on the autobiography Looking for Lost Bird by Yvette Melanson (with Claire Safran).
Wayward Son
Costume Design
Former fashion photographer Randall Harris debuts with this gritty drama about justice and redemption in rural Georgia during the Great Depression. Jesse Banks Rhodes (Harry Connick, Jr.) is suddenly and inexplicably released from jail after serving part of a life sentence on a trumped up charge for murder. He heads back for Georgia to reclaim his life and finds himself staying with farmer Ben Alexander (Pete Postlethwaite). Initially, Ben's family is mistrustful of the ex-con, but slowly they begin to warm to him, particularly Ben's fragile daughter Wesley (Patricia Clarkson). After witnessing the murder of a black worker at the hands of his drunken white racist boss, Jesse vows to make things right.
Mr. Murder
Costume Design
Un grupo de científicos intentan crear el perfecto soldado mediante experimentos de clonación. El día en que nace el clon, Marty Stillwater, un escritor de novelas de misterio, siente con horror que algo extraño ocurre dentro de su cuerpo y de su mente. Siete años después, Marty descubre que su doble tiene una apariencia idéntica a él, pero con la personalidad de un asesino.
Best Friends for Life
Costume Design
Sarah and Harriet have been best friends since childhood. They married at the same time, had children within the same year and now find themselves facing uncertain futures after the sudden deaths of their husbands. Though they have much in common, Sarah is a relaxed nature lover, while Harriet is intense and set in her ways. Sarah has been able to move on with her life with the help of her mother, her maid Katie and Will, the new man in her life. Harriet is unable to cope with her loss and her relationship with her daughter Pammy is strained. When Harriet is diagnosed with a serious illness, she and Sarah learn a lesson about love and friendship.
Secretos de familia
Costume Design
René Chadaway sospecha que su marido, Clay, le es infiel. Una noche, René desaparece y, aunque todo parece indicar que se trata de un secuestro, la policía sospecha que Clay la haya matado. Jo Anne, la hija del matrimonio, empieza a investigar por su cuenta y acaba descubriendo los motivos de la extraña relación de sus padres.
The Summer of Ben Tyler
Costume Design
Set early during World War II, the film has a lot to say about love, honor, relationships, commitment and power. Keeping their promise to their dying black housekeeper, a white family takes in her teenage mentally-slow son. The movie details the joys and conflicts the family faces as a result of their decision.
Costume Design
Deserted by their mother, a young boy and his sister discover the true meaning of family while living with their grandfather.
Her Deadly Rival
Costume Design
A man's life and marriage fall apart when he is stalked and harassed by a mysterious secret admirer -- a woman he claims he has never met, in this fact-based variation on "Fatal Attraction."
Breathing Lessons
Costume Design
Un matrimonio revisa sus vidas y renueva su amor mientras conducen al funeral de un amigo.
To Dance with the White Dog
Costume Design
When Sam Peek's beloved wife, Cora, dies, a white dog suddenly materializes as his new companion and confidant.
Bump in the Night
Costume Design
Martha "Red" Tierney used to be a hot-shot reporter, but that was before alcohol took over her life. One morning Martha's son, Jonathan, leaves for school, stopping first to meet his father for breakfast. But Jonathan never meets his dad. Instead, he is picked up by Lawrence, a pedophile who has been watching him. Now Martha must overcome her alcoholism and her bitterness towards her ex-husband and use her old investigative skills to find her son before it's too late.
Costume Design
Crime drama based on the real-life story of US gangster John Dillinger, who was hunted by the FBI after a string of armed bank robberies during the Great Depression. When Dillinger's attacks on banks threaten to make him a dangerous folk hero, the pressure mounts on the FBI - even from the White House - for his capture
Arde Mississippi
Costume Supervisor
En 1964, en un pueblo sureño, donde el racismo está profundamente arraigado y el Ku Klux Klan sigue celebrando sus ritos y reuniones, tres activistas defensores de los derechos humanos desaparecen sin dejar rastro. Dos agentes del FBI, de caracteres muy diferentes, se harán cargo de la investigación. Allí chocarán con un comisario racista.
Trilogía de Nueva York
Wardrobe Supervisor
Muestra la vida de Arnold Beckoff (Harvey Fierstein), una drag queen profesional, desde 1971 hasta 1980: su obsesión por encontrar el amor, los problemas sociales a los que se enfrenta por su condición sexual, la aceptación de sí misma, sus relaciones sentimentales con los hombres y su lucha personal para que su madre (Anne Bancroft) la acepte tal y como es.
Falso testigo
Wardrobe Supervisor
Baltimore. Sylvia ve cómo atacan a una chica desde la ventana del dormitorio de Terry, su amante. El agresor huye y su víctima se salva. Pero esa misma noche otra chica aparece asesinada.
Aprovecha el dia
Wardrobe Supervisor
Un hombre de mediana edad que acaba de perder su empleo es ayudado económicamente por su mujer, que quiere divorciarse de él. Su padre le niega un préstamo y, desesperado, decide mudarse a Nueva York.
Los inmortales
Costume Supervisor
Son Inmortales, destinados a vivir eternamente. Deben retarse a duelos a través de los tiempos hasta que sólo quede uno. Sólo decapitados por la hoja de una espada pueden liberarse de su eterna lucha y conseguir el Premio: un poder inimaginable. Desde las tierras altas de Escocia del siglo XVI hasta el Nueva York de nuestros días, los Inmortales luchan por su recompensa, mientras el destino de los mortales se sostiene en un frágil equilibrio.
Private Sessions
Wardrobe Supervisor
A therapist goes outside his office and into his patients' personal lives to help them. He is treating a man who is hearing sounds but apparently there is nothing wrong with him psychologically. And a woman who despite being in a healthy relationship goes around picking up guys and having sex with them. She decides to seek help and what the doctor learns is that the problem goes back to her childhood and her family.
Érase una vez en América
David Aaronson "Noodles", un pobre joven judío, conoce en los suburbios de principios del siglo XX de Manhattan, Nueva York, a Maximilian Bercovicz "Max", otro joven de origen hebreo dispuesto a llegar lejos por cualquier método. Entablan una gran amistad y forman, con los 3 colegas de "Noodles", Patrick Goldberg "Patsy", Philip Stein "Cockeye", y Dominic una banda que prospera rápidamente. Desgraciadamente, son perseguidos por Bugsy, el tipo para el que Noodles y sus amigos trabajaban anteriormente, y en uno de sus asaltos, mata a Dominic. Rápidamente Noodles se tira encima suyo y le mata, por lo que pasará 12 años en prisión. Cuando Noodles sale de prisión le recibe Max, que sigue con su banda junto a los otros 2 amigos, Patsy y Cockeye. Rápidamente, entre los 4, llegan a convertirse, en tiempos de la prohibición, en unos de los mayores gánsteres de todo el país.
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Wardrobe Supervisor
This film adaptation of James Baldwin's celebrated novel tells the journey of a family from the rural South to "big city" Harlem seeking both salvation and understanding and of a young boy struggling to earn the approval of a self-righteous and often unloving stepfather.
Regalo de amor
Costume Supervisor
Esta es una historia que nos lleva al mundo de las cosas pequeñas, de esas cosas que nos llegan directamente al corazón. Es Navidad. El matrimonio Broderick pasa apuros con su tienda de regalos. Las cosas no van bien y este año ningún Papá Noel saldrá a las calles a promocionar el local, las dificultades económicas ya les han obligado a realizar algún despido. Al llegar a su casa, Janet se encuentra con su madre enferma de un ataque al corazón. Esa noche, madre e hija hablan sobre el "lugar secreto", en el que todos nos encontraremos algún día. Los recuerdos traspasan el umbral de la memoria y cada Navidad Janet Broderick evocará emocionaa el dictado de su corazón.
Costume Design
Aspiring teen folk singer is torn whether to continue her singing or to accept an educational scholarship.
Wilson's Reward
Costume Supervisor
A missionary in the West Indies tries to change the ways of a drunken womanizer.