Susan Leith


Hard Knuckle
A Post-apocalypse thriller about snooker
Un grito en la oscuridad
Jenny Richards
Durante unas vacaciones en la montaña, los Chamberlain pierden a su hija Azaria, una niña de pocos meses. La madre le cuenta a la policía que durante la noche oyó ruidos y vio cómo un dingo (un perro salvaje australiano) entraba en la tienda de campaña y se llevaba al bebé. Como, a pesar de la minuciosa búsqueda llevada a cabo por la policía, el cuerpo de la niña nunca se encontró, la madre acabó siendo acusada de asesinato.
Using the 'real life' documentary style, this drama observes two years in the life of the Byrne family as they become involved in the complicated legal path that leads to a fully defended custody hearing in the Family Court. The Byrne family are played by actors, with real-life lawyers and members of the judiciary in the legal roles.
Short Changed
Alison Wilkins
Described as "an Aboriginal Kramer vs Kramer," this is the moving account of an Aboriginal political activist fighting his white ex-wife for joint custody of their son.