José Alcalde


Antes de Morir
Andrés lives obsessed with the disappearance and possible murder of his family during a violent military coup in his country. The years have aggravated his obsession and he has become a police man as a way of accessing the truth. There is some madness in his life. He won’t rest until he finds the truth which is closer every day.
De Mujer a Mujer
Elsa and her married friend Miranda become jealous and violent toward each other as they compete for the sexual affection of the hunk Sergio. Elsa takes comfort in the arms of Miranda's husband Eloy after Sergio and Miranda run away together. Their lustful desires lead to tragedy in this erotic drama.
De Mujer a Mujer
Elsa and her married friend Miranda become jealous and violent toward each other as they compete for the sexual affection of the hunk Sergio. Elsa takes comfort in the arms of Miranda's husband Eloy after Sergio and Miranda run away together. Their lustful desires lead to tragedy in this erotic drama.
Macu, la mujer del policía
La verdadera historia de un policía celoso y su joven esposa que viven en una barriada en Sudamérica.
During a bus ride through the Andes, two seminarians encounter with a woman named Manon. Immediately, one of them falls in love and the attraction is mutual, so they decide to flee to capital city to start a new life. But the love of Manon ambitious drags this man to leave his vocation and commit criminal acts to maintain a life of luxury and extravagance.
Ratón en Ferretería
Adonai Flores, an experienced writer of telenovelas, falls in love with Belén Helena, a girl of low class. Adonay, desperate to keep her with him, abandons his responsibilities and even his dog. After discovering that she is a drug dealer he decides to leave her and recovers his dog
Cangrejo II
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) investigates the murder of a woman in a population near the capital. The woman was raped before death and the case is complicated when his brother becomes the prime suspect, since it is a priest (Eduardo Serrano). Because of the implications that inquiries might have, Leon is pressured to keep the event as a "crab" (Cangrejo, or a unsolvable case), but he decides to comply with the law.
Cangrejo II
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) investigates the murder of a woman in a population near the capital. The woman was raped before death and the case is complicated when his brother becomes the prime suspect, since it is a priest (Eduardo Serrano). Because of the implications that inquiries might have, Leon is pressured to keep the event as a "crab" (Cangrejo, or a unsolvable case), but he decides to comply with the law.
Operación chocolate
1984, in Venezuela, in a supermarket, young children are used as caddies: they load customers' errands and roll them up to their car. Their leader is Rafa (Amilcar Rivero). Cheo (Alexandra Rodriguez) would like to be caddy and despite the agreement of the chief of staff, Rafa asked him to pass the test of the "little day": spend a night inside the store without getting caught by the guards.
La Gata Borracha
Victor, a family man, becomes romantically involved with Rosario, a young newly arrived prostitute from the city of Maracaibo. His obsessive love and the desire to share his life with this woman, will lead him to despair.
La máxima felicidad
Two men and a woman are about to experience living as a threesome, this process brings out of them their fears, some moral barriers must be dismantled before the complex process of understanding and accepting each other can succeed.
Un Quijote sin mancha
Unit Production Manager
Cantinflas interpreta al joven letrado Justo Leal y Aventado que mientras termina sus estudios se dedica a ayudar a los pobres que no tienen dinero para pagarse un abogado. Su única compañía es la de una cabritilla de nombre Blanquita, y con ella comparte sus penas y sus alegrías. Ambos lucharán para terminar la carrera, licenciarse y seguir luchando para ayudar a la humilde gente de su barrio.
Santo el enmascarado de plata vs. la invasión de los marcianos
Unit Production Manager
Santo, "el enmascarado de plata", tiene que luchar contra unos invasores llegados de Marte que pretenden invadir la Tierra.
Santo vs. el estrangulador
Empleado teatro (uncredited)
En el teatro Variedades un asesino ha estrangulado a diversos artistas,para descubrir al culpable se pide la ayuda del Santo.
¡Yo sabia demasiado!
Production Supervisor
Una secretaria es perseguida por dos hampones, para quitarle una grabación que pone en evidencia a su jefe.
La Momia Azteca
Unit Production Manager
Realizando un experimento de hipnosis, el Dr. Almada (Ramón Gay) descubre que su novia, Flor (Rosa Arenas), es la reencarnación de una doncella azteca que fue sacrificada por amor y cuyo cuerpo fue ocultado en una cámara secreta en la pirámide de Yucatán, junto a la momia de su amante, condenada a velar por siempre el descanso eterno. Una vez que Flor recupera su memoria, es capaz de guiar a su padre (Jorge Mondragón), al Dr. Almada y su asistente, cuya personalidad secreta es la de un héroe enmascarado denominado El Angel (Crox Alvarado), hacia los restos de la doncella. Un inescrupuloso colega de Almada, el Dr. Krupp, también los sigue, obnubilado por la ambición de riquezas ocultas. Una vez que los expedicionarios profanan el esqueleto azteca, la momia, Popoca, despierta y aterra a los intrusos.
La ilegítima
Production Manager
Una joven descubre que su padre tiene una amante, ella le reprocha su infelicidad y su padre le cuenta la historia de su amor.
El río y la muerte
Production Manager
Una larga cadena de muertes por venganza y honor entre familias enemigas provoca que el joven médico Gerardo tenga que regresar a su pueblo. Ante la frialdad de su madre, Gerardo se verá obligado a continuar el enfrentamiento.
Dios los cría
Production Manager
Mrs. Nínive Cánovas Cannesi (Marshall) comes back from a long tour visiting Europe and not even realizes that her house is being inhabited by two jobless and homeless bandits (Tin Tán and Tun Tún) with master keys who had been living there worry free. They all share the house for a period of time, unknowingly to each other, in a series of well crafted and perfectly timed scenes where Catita and Tin Tán can be in the same room without seeing each other... When Tin Tán notices her presence, poses as the help, intercepting the real employees and sending to the north pole, literally. So now that Catita has them at her service, she can take time for her real goal, the foundation of a House for old people so they can live happy until the day they die, but Tin Tán and Tun Tún keep getting in her way and complicating everything...
Las locuras de Tin Tan
Production Manager
Tin Tan inventa una máquina muy especial de hacer nieve ya que él está seguro de que de ésta manera le evitará estar trabajando, pero algo inesperado le sucederá.
El revoltoso
Production Manager
Conocido entre sus vecinos como "El revoltoso" por su tendencia a enredarlo todo, Tin Tan se mete en líos a cada rato por tratar de ayudar a los demás. Una estafa lo lleva a la cárcel y su afición por meterse en lo que no le importa termina provocando que su novia Lupita sea acusada de traficante. Ante ta grave acusación, Tin Tan hará todo lo que esté en sus manos para evitar que Lupita sea encarcelada.
El hombre sin rostro
Production Manager
A faceless killer who hunts women can only be stopped by a detective with a disturbing past.
¡Qué lindo es Michoacán!
When her father dies, a young woman must go to Michoacán to take charge of her lands, where she meets a young man and they both fall in love.