Alain Sironval


El caso Villa Caprice
La vida de Luc Germon, un famoso abogado de gran reputación, se ve trastocada cuando acepta a un nuevo cliente, Gilles Fontaine, uno de los empresarios más poderosos de Francia. A este le acusan de comprar una propiedad en circunstancias sospechosas, y deberá confiar en las habilidades de Germon para librarle del caso, pero poco a poco, los aliados empezarán a convertirse en enemigos...
Wide Load
This is the story of a guy who goes too fast and a big guy who is too slow. Foster meets Taupin. All this would be trivial if one of them had a scary scenario, the scenario of their lives and their deaths. Just open the pages and shake.
Carré Blanc
Philippe lives in a world controlled by a caste system. Those who play the "game" correctly become higher and more powerful. Phillipe plays the game well but his wife wants him to return to reality. Its a love story after marriage.
Alex appartient à une unité d’élite de la police de Genève. Lorsque Victor, son ancien coéquipier, sort de prison, Alex est rattrapé par son passé. Il a témoigné contre Victor, et craint des représailles. L’ex-flic est engagé comme homme de main d’un puissant chef mafieux. Alex décide de le suivre, sans en référer à ses supérieurs, et entame une longue descente aux enfers.
Sound Editor
After a violent dispute with her mother, sixteen-years old Chloé ends up in the streets with nowhere to go. Then she finds Jean-Michel, a charming young man who will lead her to prostitution.
Parfois trop d'amour
Delphine, Daniel and François, three friends with a passion for sailing, decide, at the end of an evening, to go on an adventure on the roads of northern France, to join their boat in Boulogne-sur-Mer.