Mika, who grew up in an orphanage, having been abandoned soon after birth, begins to look for her mother Naoko. Finding Naoko living happily with her husband and teenage daughter Ayano, she continues to watch from afar...
A young woman has decidedly strange hobbies. She has fun calling strangers and hanging up on them. However, one night, she dials the wrong number, and on the other side of the line a pre-recorded voice announces her death for the same day, at 2 hours and 5 minutes.
Set in Kyoto, 1990 Mizuho Oshima is a high school girl who hates her alcholic mom, adores her father, and has a crush on school swim team member Sho Sugimoto. Her father lives with another women, but Mizuho hopes to reunite her family. Her mother then takes up with an Amerian soldier named Charlie and they become an item. This crushes Mizuho's hopes of reuniting her family. Mizuho then seduces her mother's lover ...
Ogawa Tetsumu es un chico muy tímido en el que nace una noble afición al ver por primera vez a un elefante. Decide entonces que debe dedicarse a ser domador de estos animales, y por eso viaja a Tailandia para aprender cómo hacerlo.