Ralph Cosham


Her Tango
The story of Her Tango follows Dino, a successful restaurateur. For years, Dino has given everything of himself to make his restaurant a success and to move on from the death of his wife Caroline. After a chance encounter, Dino is drawn to Elena, an elusive tango dancer. While Elena teaches him to dance, Dino discovers that the philosophy of tango is very close to how he dreams of living his life. Filled with the seductive sounds and sights of dance, Her Tango is a film about redemption, seduction and the power of tango.
Death Without Consent
Dr. Guervich
Chris Carrington looses his father to hereditary kidney disease. He is painfully aware he may die from it as well. While dealing with the agony of his loss, Chris is unexpectedly contacted by a mysterious Russian immigrant who tells him his father did not die from natural causes. That his father was an unwitting victim of human experiments in the development of biological weapons. Pursuing the truth behind this strange revelation, Chris learns of Dr. Gurevich, the scientist who created these viruses. He meets Gurevich's beautiful daughter Anna, whose innocence, charm and intelligence ultimately become his greatest obstacle. Unable to contact his Russian informant, unable to decipher Russian documents, unwilling to use Gurevich's daughter as a pawn, Chris struggles to fight symptoms of his own disease, caught between the ticking clock of his own illness and the consuming desire for truth.
El informe Pelícano
Justice Jensen
Darby Shaw, una estudiante de Derecho, escribe un informe en el que analiza las posibles razones del reciente asesinato de dos jueces del Tribunal Supremo. Su informe, en principio descabellado, parece que toca material "sensible", pues pronto será objeto de una implacable persecución, de la que saldrá con vida gracias a la ayuda de un periodista que también quiere descubrir quiénes están detrás de esos asesinatos.
Marine Lieutenant
Jeff Bridges da vida a un extraterrestre de un lejano planeta que aprende lo que significa estar enamorado. Cuando su nave es abatida en Wisconsin, Starman llega al recóndito refugio de una joven y desconsolada viuda, Jenny Hayden, y adopta la forma de su marido fallecido. El extraterrestre convence a Jenny para que le lleve hasta Arizona, diciéndole que si no es rescatado por la nave nodriza en el plazo de tres días, él morirá.