Set entirely in one location, the film follows four strangers who become trapped in the elevator of St. Julian-a decrepit, inner-city building. An assassin, a religious zealot, a mother, and a thief...just moments after being confined, it becomes clear that one of them is mortally wounded. As the minutes tick by, a battle for survival ensues where each of them is forced to examine their sordid ties to St. Julian-the building, as well as the legacy of the religious figure.
En un cementerio situado en las entrañas de un bosque, dos jóvenes ecologistas liberan a un diablo de Tazmania, procedente de un laboratorio, en el que ha sufrido mutaciones genéticas debido a los experimentos a los que ha sido sometido. En ese mismo lugar, un grupo de estudiantes proyecta filmar una película de zombies...
Set against the void of the Venice Beach boardwalk,it's the journey of one man's atonement, Russo for the world he has created for his young prodigy, Joseph.