Neville Ottey


Bañado en azucar
Camera Operator
El 64% de los alimentos envasados contiene azúcar añadido. El azúcar que se esconde en la comida procesada y los dulces puede ser el causante de que, en los últimos 30 años, la tasa de obesidad se haya duplicado y la diabetes se haya triplicado. Existe una creciente controversia acerca del azúcar. ¿Es un veneno o un alimento dulce e inofensivo? De un lado, las industrias azucarera y alimentaria, que afirman que se trata de una fuente inofensiva de calorías y rápida energía y que el problema de la obesidad está en que comemos demasiado. Del otro, quienes afirman que hay evidencia que implica al azúcar no sólo en la obesidad y la caries dental, sino también en la hiperactividad y la diabetes, entre otros.
Director of Photography
Some say that a great and ancient wisdom is hidden in the mysterious images of the Tarot deck. That it is the sole surviving remnant from the great libraries of ancient Egypt. This may just be a romantic delusion as others say it originated in northern Italy during the early 15th century for a card game called triumphs. However, recent research shows that Tarot cards may indeed have a mysterious origin and may well have been intended as more than a simple game. There may indeed be ancient wisdom hidden in the mysterious images of the Tarot deck. Documentary
The New Green Giants
The last ten years have seen a phenomenal explosion in the organic food movement as it has moved from niche market to mainstream. Today, it is the fastest growing segment of the food industry attracting all of the major food corporations. THE NEW GREEN GIANTS looks at a number of these new and old organic corporations and shows how they are managing, or in some cases, failing to live up to the idealistic dreams first espoused by the back-to-the land folk of the late sixties and early seventies. The documentary also looks at some of the bigger questions surrounding organic food. Is it really healthier? Is it truly organic? Is it possible to grow from a mom-and-pop operation to become a huge supplier of major grocery chains? Is it actually sustainable? Is it realistic to think the world can be fed organically?
Aleister Crowley: The Beast 666
Aleister Crowley was the most well known and influential occult magician of modern times. His admirers saw him as the prophet of a new age. His detractors denounced him as a Satanist, a drug addict and a sex maniac. The Great Beast, as he called himself, continues to be an influence on the spiritual world today.