Two girls with homosexual tendencies decide to open the luxury brothel "Rose Blue Light". Then, one of them has a brush with the law, and she gets hopelessly smitten by the investigating policewoman's beauty.
Two girls with homosexual tendencies decide to open the luxury brothel "Rose Blue Light". Then, one of them has a brush with the law, and she gets hopelessly smitten by the investigating policewoman's beauty.
A typical Italian porn film from the early 90s. An assorted collection of scenes with limited to no plot.
An old farmer, who seeks the beautiful Camilla, is murdered. The young policeman, who is assigned to the mysterious death, also falls on her.
An old farmer, who seeks the beautiful Camilla, is murdered. The young policeman, who is assigned to the mysterious death, also falls on her.
Leo is a street vendor who, always accompanied by his dog Cagliostro, he entertains shoppers on the beach telling stories more or less agreeable to a group of guys who are really too busy to look for adventures chasing the tourists. Meanwhile Mario, a boy on vacation with his father, falls in love with his beautiful cello teacher but this, of course, prefers the father.
In order to correct inaccuracies that appeared after her tragic experience in New York, fashion designer Madame Fisher tells her life story to a journalist. A life made of terrible loss, love, debauchery and rise in the world of fashion.
In order to correct inaccuracies that appeared after her tragic experience in New York, fashion designer Madame Fisher tells her life story to a journalist. A life made of terrible loss, love, debauchery and rise in the world of fashion.
A widowed English heroine (Malù) recalls her life, from marriage to an affair with the gamekeeper.
A widowed English heroine (Malù) recalls her life, from marriage to an affair with the gamekeeper.
Agatha and Martha are lesbian lovers. However, Martha starts a love affair with Christian, an unemployed sailor.
Una atractiva condesa llega a un pueblo del Véneto, que revolucionó a toda la población. De hecho, ella tiene un plan muy preciso: conquistar a un viejo ranchero que ha heredado una aldea después de la muerte de su madre y conservar todos sus activos utilizando sus muchos encantos.
Una atractiva condesa llega a un pueblo del Véneto, que revolucionó a toda la población. De hecho, ella tiene un plan muy preciso: conquistar a un viejo ranchero que ha heredado una aldea después de la muerte de su madre y conservar todos sus activos utilizando sus muchos encantos.
Italian porn with limited plot.
The slave Flavia works in a brothel of ancient Rome . It attracts the attention of the consul Valerius , a regular customer, who falls in love with her, inadvertently giving the start to a series of hidden envy and bloody clashes.
Italian porn with limited plot.
El emperador romano Calígula deja los últimos días de gloria en medio de orgías de comida y el sexo. Durante un espectáculo de dos esclavas desnudas, el emperador está especialmente atraído por una de ellas, Lysia, haciendo caso omiso de que había sido plantada cerca de él con la orden de asesinarlo.
Emy joins a group of charming young ladies applying at a school. The school's headmistress initially welcomes Emy. Then she rejects her, but agrees after letting her undergo a medical examination. The movie, shot in Italian with a primarily Italian cast and an Italian director in 1981, with the title "Quella porcacciona di mia moglie," was caught in a censorship scandal and was repackaged with French inserts (and several different titles) and redubbed for the French market. It was later released in Italy in 1983.
Comedia erótica italiana
Una pareja experimenta un momento de dificultad desde un punto de vista sexual. Tiene que ver con la llegada de una au pair de Alemania.
El camionero Antonio logra un acuerdo con la madre superiora de un instituto religioso: casarse con la estudiante Olivia y, a cambio, podrá comprar una posada de propiedad de las monjas. Olivia, desconocida por su marido, no tarda en vender sus favores para recaudar el dinero necesario para la compra, cumpliendo así el sueño de Antonio. Después de que él adquiere la propiedad de un restaurante, deja a su esposa para administrarlo. El número de clientes pronto se multiplicó, gracias a los generosos talentos de la mujer. Sin embargo, cuando él regresa, ella es lo suficientemente inteligente como para no dejar que adivine nada.
Miriam Rossi arrives at a small village to take possession of a well located hotel that she inherited from her grandfather.
Miriam Rossi arrives at a small village to take possession of a well located hotel that she inherited from her grandfather.