Bone, wind, Fire, es un viaje íntimo y evocador en los corazones, ojos y mentes de Georgia O'Keefe, Emily Carr y Frida Kahlo. 3 de las artirstas más relevantes del siglo XX. El film usa las palabras de las propias mujeres, cogidas de sus diarios, para revelar 3 procesos creativos en toda su fascinante variedad.
This compelling documentary explores Canadian film culture and tries to discover what defines Canadian film through interviews with notable filmmakers.
A fascinating rap on the 20th Century movement called Culture Jamming. Pranksters and subversive artists are causing a bit of brand damage to corporate mindshare. Jammers, cultural commentators, a billboard advertiser and a constitutional lawyer take us on a wild roller coaster ride through the back streets of our mental environment. Stopping over in San Francisco, New York's Times Square, and Toronto, we catch the jamming in action with Batman-inspired Jack Napier of the Billboard Liberation Front, Disney arch-enemy Reverend Billy from the Church of Stop Shopping and Media Tigress Carly Stasko.