Andon, a young violinist, is seriously studying for the admission competition at the Academy of Fine Arts. Cosmai, the father, thinks his son cannot win the competition without a bit of external help. He mobilizes all his friends and relatives so that his son can be sure to win. Muco, the chairman of the commission, is incapable of judging clearly and bored from all the interventions pours the anger on the young talented violinist.
A comedy by well-known Albanian theater. A comedy known and loved by all, under the interpretation of the most famous actors of the Albanian National Theatre. A comedy that provides only laughter. Albanian: Nje komedi nga Teatri Popullor Shqiptar. Komedia me e njohur dhe me e dashur për të gjithë, nën interpretimin e aktoreve më të njohur të Teatrit Kombëtar. Nje komedi qe siguron vetem te qeshura.
Sortiraqi - tregtari
Film based on the life and patriotic activities of teacher Petro Nini Luarasi.
The film mainly takes place in an orphanage of Tirana in the years of the city's occupation from the Italian fascists at the start of WW2.