Paul Bonis


Director of Photography
After graduating from high school where she was a boarder, Reine Ducasse decides to settle down with her rich father Louis in his luxurious apartment. She has just begun her studies in history and has a good friend, Frédéric, a medical student who wouldn't mind being more than just that. Around her, strange fellows attract her attention. Who is Philippe, allegedly Louis's stockbroker? And what about Marguerite who presents herself as her father's former secretary? Even more puzzling is the video cassette she finds in her father's place, showing young motorbikers distributing bundles of banknotes. Some time later, Charles, one of the bikers appearing on the video, rings the doorbell: he is wounded.
A blind, paralyzed president uses his remarkable hearing and his corrupt daughter to keep his country in line. His beautiful, clever daughter works her own agenda while striving to be the equal of men. She appoints herself Chief of Firefighters and then commits arson to ensure that her job is needed.
La Maison qui pleure
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Rookies Go to War
A Grand Slapstick comedy about four buddies serving in the army. Their long-suffering sergeant attempts to whip them into shape but the conflict spirals out of control.
The Big Store
Director of Photography
Four guys working for a small grocer in trouble, declare war on a new giant neighborhood supermarket by attempting several coups. A film about the big store taking over the business of smaller stores.
Stadium Nuts
Les Charlots, a French rock group, continue their adventures, in the manner of the Beatles in Hard Day's Night. This is their second adventure. The foursome are on holiday, camping outside a village. The Olympic flame is going to pass through the village. A grocer, charged to prepare a celebration, calls upon the four to help. One of the four falls for the grocer's daughter. However, she runs away after the sportsman carrying the flame. The foursome set of to find her and win her back.
Accidente sin huella
First Assistant Camera
El hijo único de Charles Thenier muere atropellado por un conductor que se da a la fuga. Decidido a encontrar al criminal, empieza a investigar por su cuenta. Poco después, conoce a una mujer que podría ser la cuñada del culpable.
Champaña para un asesino
Assistant Camera
Paul Wagner ha heredado una exitosa empresa de champán, pero no parece tener mucho interés en el negocio. Hace algún tiempo, Paul sufrió una grave lesión en la cabeza y, a pesar del tratamiento, todavía muestra signos de trastorno mental. Su prima Christine está decidida a vender la empresa a algunos compradores de América, pero Paul se niega a entregar su participación en la empresa. Sabiendo que Paul se alojará en Hamburgo en breve, Christine, con ayuda de su marido, pondrá en marcha un plan para salirse con la suya.
María Chantal contra Dr. Kha
Assistant Camera
En un tren con destino a Suiza, un agente secreto, Bruno Kerrien, roba una valiosa joya destinada al despiadado Dr. Kha y la entrega a una rica viajera, Marie-Chantal, para su custodia. Convencidos de que él todavía tiene la joya, un enjambre de agentes extranjeros persiguen a Kerrien y le capturan. Ahora que sabe que Kerrien no tiene la joya, Marie-Chantal está en peligro...
La felicidad
Assistant Camera
François es un joven carpintero casado y con dos hijos. A pesar de que su vida conyugal con Thérese es placentera, cuando conoce a Emilie, no puede evitar sentirse atraído por ella y acaban teniendo una aventura. El verdadero problema es que no consigue aclararse con sus sentimientos: ama a su mujer y también a su amante, pero no sabe a cuál de las dos ama más.
Cleo de 5 a 7
Director of Photography
Cleo, una joven cantante, espera impaciente los resultados de un examen médico. Cuando una adivina que lee las cartas le revela que tiene cáncer y que puede morir, su inquietud aumenta. Tratando de ocupar su tiempo a la espera de los resultados, Cleo conoce a un joven soldado, a punto de partir para hacer el servicio militar en Argelia, al que confía su temor a la muerte.