Liviu Popa


La Monja
Cuando una joven monja se suicida en una abadía de clausura en Rumanía, un sacerdote experto en posesiones demoniacas y una novicia a punto de tomar sus votos, son enviados por el Vaticano para investigar. Juntos descubren el profano secreto de la orden. Arriesgando no solo sus propias vidas sino su fe y hasta sus almas, se enfrentan a una fuerza maléfica en forma de monja demoníaca, en una abadía que se convierte en un campo de batalla de horror entre los vivos y los condenados....
Hombre lobo: La bestia entre nosotros
Una monstruosa criatura aterroriza en el siglo XIX una aldea europea en las noches de luna llena y un joven tendrá que luchar para proteger a sus seres queridos en Werewolf: The Beast Among Us, una nueva adicción de Universal a su lardo legado de monstruos clásicos. Mientras estudia con un médico local, Daniel presencia las terribles consecuencias de los ataques de un hombre lobo. Observa como la temible reputación de la bestia atrae a cazarecompensas, buscadores de emociones fuertes y charlatanes hasta el pequeño pueblo, mientras sueña con acabar personalmente con el monstruo. Cuando un misterioso extranjero y su equipo de cazadores de hombres lobo llegan al pueblo, se ofrece a unirse a ellos a pesar de las protestas de su madre. Pero no tardarán en descubrir que esta criatura es más fuerte, más lista y más peligrosa de lo que ellos han enfrentado antes. Pronto los habitantes empiezan a levantarse unos contra otros para encontrar la verdadera identidad de la bestia.
Juego de asesinos
Dos asesinos rivales, los mejores del mundo, pero desconocidos el uno al otro, tendrán que unir sus fuerzas para luchar en contra de un cartel de la droga apoyado por la DEA.
Casa de la miezul nopții
Production Design
In New Year's Eve, Dan, a pilot, picks up a stranded woman at the airport and they head together to his cabin, where they will meet unexpectedly his ex and her new partner.
The Premiere
Production Design
In the Free Theater (Teatrul Liber) of Bucharest, the actors and crew prepare a new show, with the play "Disguise" ("Travesti"). After the opening night, which is only partly successful, they reach the conclusion that, along the years, they came to the mistake of also disguising this true feelings, becoming hypocrites, and this has a negative effect to their stage performances too.
The Romanian Musketeer
Production Design
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
The Paratroopers
A harsh colonel of paratroopers neglects his family after falling in love with a chess player, the sister of one of his paratroopers that got injured because of the jumping punishment given by him.
Two Men for One Death
Production Design
The story of a love triangle, in which a romanian and a hungarian love the same woman. Happening during WWII, the two hate each other. The movie was banned shortly after the release.
The Column
Production Design
The end of Trajan's Dacian Wars (106 AD), when south western Dacia was transformed into a Roman province: Roman Dacia.
Los guerreros del imperio
Production Design
Narra la lucha de los dacios, los primeros rumanos, contra las legiones romanas. El emperador Domiziano y el comandante de las legiones romanas en la Dacia, Furio, quieren el sometimiento total del país, mientras el senador Ezio prefiere la alianza. El asesinato de Ezio por un soldado de Decébalo, rey de los dacios, sirve de justificación para que Roma decida una represión armada.
White Trial
Production Design
Matei recollects events of the year 1944 in order to prove the innocence of a friend. Based on "Șoseaua Nordului" (Northern Highway) novel by Eugen Barbu.
Chess to the King
Production Design
When he tries to arrest a suspect, a police captain find him dead. Investigation will uncover a counterfeiting ring.
Lupeni 29
Production Design
A Night Long Love
Production Design
A psychological movie about the life of three sisters in a Romanian village.
Celebrul 702
Production Design
Production Design
Geared more for the home crowd with a good knowledge of their own history, this Romanian political comedy takes place at the turn of the 20th century, when two opposing factions are going at each other tooth and nail to win an election. One candidate is a staunch if not deluded conservative and the other is a radical liberal. Anticipating modern election campaigns by a good half a century, the two candidates decide that the best way to win is to sling as much mud as possible. Lacking the Internet and fifteen-second TV spots, they do the best they can -- they send each other virulent telegrams denouncing each other's personal failings.
The Thistles of The Bărăgan
Production Design
Rumania's entry in the 1958 Cannes Film Festival was the excessively melodramatic Ciulinii Bărăganului. The title translates as Fools of Bărăgan, in reference to a band of beleaguered feudal Rumanian peasants. But these are no fools: instead, they are fearless freedom fighters, organizing a brave (though foredoomed) revolt against the tyranny of the landowners. The parallels drawn between the people of Bărăgan and Russia's revolutionary leaders are all but impossible to miss. It would have been nice, however, if the story had not been told in such a heavy-handed, spell-it-all-out fashion.