Steven Banks

Steven Banks


Steven Banks


Crash Test
Billy the Mime
Adapted from their beloved comedy show at Upright Citizens Brigade, Crash Test showcases Rob Huebel and Paul Scheer on a state-of-the-art party bus adventure, picking up famous comedians and celebrities as they go on a sightseeing tour of Los Angeles. Ben Stiller, Stuart Cornfeld and Mike Rosenstein of Red Hour executive produced the special.
Bob Esponja: Aventura en la Atlántida (TV)
Un antiguo medallón hace que Bob Esponja y sus amigos lleguen a Atlantis, hogar de la centenaria Burbuja Viviente. Cuando Patricio, accidentalmente, revienta la burbuja, todos han de huir de los guardias. Primera película para TV de Bob Esponja.
Jimmy Neutron: Operation: Rescue Jet Fusion
Jimmy is enlisted as a spy by the Big Top Secret Organization. His mission: find and rescue Agent X - who turns out to be Jimmy's movie hero, Jet Fusion.
CatDog: El misterio de los padres
En la ciudad de Catdog se celebra el Día Anual de los Padres y Catdog es expulsado de la fiesta porque él nunca los ha conocido. Pronto inicia la búsqueda de éstos a partir de unos delirantes flashes de memoria en los que va recordando cosas sobre su pasado que le ponen en la pista.
Lío en La Habana
Officer Emmons
Ambientada en los años 60, un tranquilo maestro de escuela finge ser un agente secreto para satisfacer las exigencias de su mujer, que anhela una vida más excitante. Tras ayudar a un bailarín ruso de ballet a desertar, es enviado por la CIA a Cuba para localizar al "Agente X".
El plan de Susan
Divorciada y con ganas de venganza, Susan (Nastassja Kinski) planea matar a su ex-marido Paul (Adrian Paul) con el fin de cobrar una sustanciosa póliza de seguros. Para ello, pide ayuda a su amante Sam (Billi Zane), el cual a su vez recluta a dos inútiles que le deben un favor: Steve (Rob Schneider) y Bill (Michael Biehn). Su inexperiencia como asesinos es tal que sólo consiguen enviar a Paul al hospital. Para rematar el trabajo contratan a un matón (Dan Aykroyd) que también fracasa. Finalmente, buscan los servicios de una atractiva y alocada peluquera (Lara Flynn Boyle).
Superdetective en Hollywood III
Spider Ride Operator
El detective de Detroit Axel Foley emplea todo su coraje para perseguir a unos despiadados asesinos con la ayuda de sus viejos compañeros Serge y Billy Rosewood. Las investigaciones lo conducen al popular parque temático de Los Ángeles WonderWorld. Allí, repentinamente, Axel se convierte en la nueva atracción del lugar, bien sea quedándose colgado de una araña gigante para rescatar a un niño o disfrazándose de Okey Dokey, un enorme elefante azul.
Murder of Innocence
John Walt
In this shocking account based on a true story, newlywed Laurie Wade finds her marriage, and eventually the rest of her life, shattered by her deep-rooted psychotic behavior. The young woman soon begins a terrifying descent into insanity and brings danger to all those around her as she goes from brief "short-circuits" to overtly murderous behavior.
F.A.R.T.: The Movie
Russell has two passions: watching television and farting! He also loves Heather. Heather HATES farting. The eternal triangle! One day she warns him, "if they ever allow farting on television, you'll never leave the house!" One evening he goes to sleep in front of the TV, and "it" happens. Virtually everything on TV is fart related, from sitcoms and commercials, to newscasts and dramas.
Steven Banks: Home Entertainment Center
In this brilliant one-man show, the mild-mannered, thirty-something Steven Banks arrives home after a long day at his dead-end corporate job, still dreaming of being a rock star. Steven receives a message on his machine from his boss, Mr. Buttle, informing him that he never received an urgent speech Steven wrote for the board of directors. Steven must scramble to write a new one, but he has less than an hour to do it. Along the way, he continually procrastinates and distracts himself from the task at hand, playing with toys and various musical instruments, baking cookies, putting on costumes, leafing through an old high school yearbook and performing some hilarious original songs along the way. Meanwhile, he's got to deal with his grumpy landlord Mr. Mescue, his clingy girlfriend Phoebe and even a broken toilet. Will Steven ever finish his speech? Or does fate have something else in mind for him?
Steven Banks: Home Entertainment Center
Steven Banks
In this brilliant one-man show, the mild-mannered, thirty-something Steven Banks arrives home after a long day at his dead-end corporate job, still dreaming of being a rock star. Steven receives a message on his machine from his boss, Mr. Buttle, informing him that he never received an urgent speech Steven wrote for the board of directors. Steven must scramble to write a new one, but he has less than an hour to do it. Along the way, he continually procrastinates and distracts himself from the task at hand, playing with toys and various musical instruments, baking cookies, putting on costumes, leafing through an old high school yearbook and performing some hilarious original songs along the way. Meanwhile, he's got to deal with his grumpy landlord Mr. Mescue, his clingy girlfriend Phoebe and even a broken toilet. Will Steven ever finish his speech? Or does fate have something else in mind for him?