Holly Powell


Las brujas de Salem
En 1692 el terror se apoderó de Salem (Massachussets), que vivió uno de los capítulos más negros de la historia. Cuando varias jóvenes de la comunidad puritana empiezan a sufrir convulsiones, los vecinos de la ciudad, bajo la influencia del reverendo Samuel Parrish, padre de una de las afectadas, llegan a la conclusión de que se trata de un caso de brujería. En diez meses, 19 personas inocentes fueron acusadas de brujería, juzgadas y condenadas a muerte.
Una Pareja Hecha En El Cielo
A dying widow plays matchmaker to her 32-year-old unmarried son and sets him up with a nurse that she meets.
Everything to Gain
After losing her husband and two daughters in a robbery, Mallory must face up to her bereavement and ensuing depression.
Pretty Poison
A clueless cheerleader falls for a mysterious young man who tells her he's a secret agent. But the truth is much simpler and darker.
La cara del mal
Darcy Palmer es una joven a quien le encanta la pintura. Tras asesinar a una estudiante, toma su identidad y entra en una escuela de arte. Darcy consigue así concer al padre de su compañera de habitación, un hombre rico, que seducido por su belleza y juventud, la introduce en el mundo de los coleccionistas.
When Friendship Kills
Teenager Lexi Archer moves to Chicago with her newly divorced mother and befriends a popular girl at her new school, Jennifer. After Lexi's volleyball coach suggests that she lose weight, Jennifer reveals she is bulimic and the two girls decide to help each other, leading to disastrous consequences.
Justice for Annie
A woman discovers that the accidental death of her daughter was tied to an insurance scam in this fact-based movie.
Eye of the Stalker
A judge finds that the law is no help when her daughter becomes the object of a college professor's dangerous and terrifying obsession. Inspired by actual events.
Beautiful successful photographer battles evil half-sisters and evil land developers to keep the family ranch intact, following her father's death. In the midst of all this, she finds love and fulfillment.
Spring Awakening
The failing economic fortunes of a small turn-of-the-century Nebraska town interrupt a blossoming romance between a pair of star-crossed lovers.
Pasión sin freno: La historia de Amy Fisher
Película que recrea la vida real de Amy Fisher, una chica rebelde y alocada de 16 años, que mantuvo una relación sexual con un treintañero casado. Por tal motivo, Amy recibió el apelativo de Lolita de Long Island. La relación derivó en asesinato, ya que ella disparó a la mujer de él, causándole la muerte. Como consecuencia Amy fue condenada a prisión a los 17 años, aunque pudo estar o no coaccionada por el hombre...
Jack Reed: Ilusiones rotas
Dianne Masters, esposa de un famoso abogado, aparece muerta en el maletero de un coche rescatado del río. Las sospechas recaen sobre su marido y unos corruptos policías asociados al crimen organizado. El sargento Jack Reed se enfrenta a sus superiores para desenmascarar toda la trama y llevar al asesino ante la justicia aunque ahora es su vida y la de su familia las que corren peligro.
Desperate Choices: To Save My Child
Sixteen-year-old Cassie Robbins is a spirited teenage girl, who loves her father Richard and stepmother Mel and dotes on her six-year-old half-brother Willy. But her carefree, happy life is forever changed when she is diagnosed with leukeamia and her only hope of a cure lies in a bone-marrow transplant. However, when Willy proves to be a match, Mel is not-so-willing to allow her young son to undergo surgery as he nearly died the last time he was operated on after reacting badly to the anaesthetic. Mel and Richard now have to decide if it right to risk the life of one of their children to save the life of the other child. And of Willy's own rights in deciding if he should help the sister he hero-worships...?
Bump in the Night
Martha "Red" Tierney used to be a hot-shot reporter, but that was before alcohol took over her life. One morning Martha's son, Jonathan, leaves for school, stopping first to meet his father for breakfast. But Jonathan never meets his dad. Instead, he is picked up by Lawrence, a pedophile who has been watching him. Now Martha must overcome her alcoholism and her bitterness towards her ex-husband and use her old investigative skills to find her son before it's too late.