Thomas Jay Ryan

Thomas Jay Ryan

Nacimiento : 1962-08-01, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


Thomas Jay Ryan is an actor.


Thomas Jay Ryan
Thomas Jay Ryan


Nicholas (voice)
Los criptozookeepers intentan capturar un Bakú, una criatura legendaria híbrida que come sueños, y comienzan a preguntarse si deberían exhibir estas bestias o mantenerlas ocultas y desconocidas.
Scenes from an Empty Church
Father James
In a locked-down NYC, two priests open their church doors to those seeking salvation during the most isolating of times. From the commonplace to the truly metaphysical, their visitors reflect the full spectrum of personal crises of spirituality. Throughout their encounters with the city's sweetest, wildest and weirdest, the two priests learn the importance of connection, empathy and open-mindedness. Sometimes a little faith is all you need to make it through the bad times.
The Return of Tragedy
Two policemen interrupt a secret ceremony: a woman being disembowelled at the bottom of a garden to let out her inner beauty. This situation is presented in a variety of ways and all possibilities are explored.
In rural Iowa, a grocery cashier watches helplessly as classmates conceal their act of sexual violence against his teenaged step-sister. A hustler tricks for food, shelter, and intimacy during a winter in New York City. Mortality compels a father to leave his home in Los Angeles and move in with his daughter. Jonah Greenstein's gorgeously shot feature debut laces loneliness with beauty to create a film of startling cinematic intimacy.
Todo mi instituto hundiéndose en el mar
Principal Grimm (voice)
Los mejores amigos Dash y Assaf son estudiantes de segundo año en Tides High, donde son los autores de todo el periódico escolar. Cuando su editor comienza a ofrecer asignaciones en solitario, los celos de Dash lo lleva a publicar una historia ficticia sobre Assaf . Más tarde, mientras hurga en los archivos de la escuela, Dash descubre registros que indican que el edificio no cumple con el código. Él trata de advertir a sus compañeros de clase, pero después de sus ataques difamatorios contra Assaf, nadie le cree.
Burn Country
Dmitri Sokurov
Narra la historia de un joven periodista afgano exiliado de su país devastado por la guerra a una pequeña comunidad bohemia en el norte de California. Allí cubrirá sucesos donde el sexo es casual, la verdadera amistad es difícil de conseguir y una violencia brota a su alrededor.
The Missing Girl
Stan Colvins
THE MISSING GIRL tells the story of Mort, the lonely and disillusioned owner of a comic book shop, and Ellen, the emotionally disruptive graphic novelist he's hired. The story involves the search for a girl who isn't missing and the discovery that it's never too late for late bloomers.
Ned Rifle
Henry Fool
Hal Hartley completa la trilogía que inició diecisiete años atrás con Henry Fool. Hace ocho, cerraba el segundo capítulo con Fay Grim (Parker Posey), purgando pena por los presuntos actos terroristas del siempre complicado Henry. Y esta es la travesía de Ned, hijo de Henry y Fay, criado por el reverendo Gardner bajo el programa de protección de testigos, y quien, al cumplir 18, ha decidido que es hora de salir en busca del hombre que arruinó las vidas del resto de su familia: su propio padre.
My America
21 monologues written by American playwrights form a sort of fractured portrait of the American collective psyche. Ranging from the sad to the hilarious, from the angry to the tentatively celebratory, many of the major and recurrent issues associated with our fraught but beloved union are reconsidered with elegance, wit, brutal honesty, and a little outright insanity.
Dan Keaton
After his mother suffers a stroke, Ben Hardin returns to his rural hometown to care for her and complete his most recent book. While home, his relationships with family and friends are strained and tested.
The Dollar General
James Baldwin
Theatre director Daniel Fish re-stages old talk show interviews and a scene from Sesame Street in an abandoned Ford dealership in Hudson, New York, over the course of a year as it is renovated into a Dollar General store.
Years Later: The Unbelievable Truth and Its Consequences
A series of impromptu interviews with Hal Hartley, Adrienne Shelly, and some of Hartley's other most frequent collaborators on his style, career, and process.
El soñador
Harland Davies
Narra la historia de amor de dos adolescentes en la América rural de los años 70.
South of Heaven
Hood 2
A man returning from a tour of duty is mistaken for his brother by debt-collecting gangsters, while the brother goes on a killing and kidnapping spree with a loose-cannon convict.
El Ático: El reverso oscuro de Emma Callan
Dr. Perry
Después de mudarse a una nueva casa, tanto Emma como su familia se sienten descontentos. Un día Emma sube al ático y tiene un extraño e inesperado encuentro.
The Making of 'Fay Grim' or: How Do You Spell Espionage?
A short documentary about the making of 'Fay Grim.'
Strange Culture
Steve Kurtz
The film examines the case of artist and professor Steve Kurtz, a member of the Critical Art Ensemble (CAE). The work of Kurtz and other CAE members dealt with genetically modified food and other issues of science and public policy. After his wife, Hope, died of heart failure, paramedics arrived and became suspicious when they noticed petri dishes and other scientific equipment related to Kurtz's art in his home. They summoned the FBI, who detained Kurtz within hours on suspicion of bioterrorism.
Fay Grim
Henry Fool
Continuación de "Henry Fool". La historia empieza ocho años después de que Henry abandonara el país dejando a su mujer, Fay Grim, y a su hijo Ned que ya tiene catorce años. Henry Fool había revolucionado la vida de Simon y de su hermana Fay. Con Fay tuvo una tormentosa relación sexual, con Simon un pacto de amistad. Un buen día, tal como llegó, se fue, pero Simon fue a parar a la cárcel por haberlo ayudado a escapar de la justicia. Simon ha tenido tiempo de sobra, en la soledad de su celda, para pensar que Henry no era en absoluto el hombre que aparentaba ser. Sus sospechas se ven confirmadas cuando Fay le cuenta que la CIA le ha pedido que viaje a París para recuperar ciertos objetos personales de Henry...
The Dying Gaul
Se le ofrece un millón de doláres a Robert, un guionista principiante gay, para producir un guion suyo, The dying gaul (basado en la historia de amor con su pareja recientemente fallecida), con la condición de convertirla en una historia heterosexual. A regañadientes acepta y se pone a trabajar en el proyecto. Muy pronto Jeffrey, el productor, se le insinúa e inician una relación clandestina porque éste está casado y tiene dos hijos. Su mujer Elaine, guionista retirada, lee la historia original quedando fascinada por ella, insiste en conocer a Robert y ambos congenian.
Tiger: His Fall & Rise
Joe Luck
A small rubber frog named Tiger becomes a major singing star overnight and has to cope with the trappings of stardom.
¡Olvídate de mí!
Una mujer usa los servicios de una empresa para borrar de su memoria todo recuerdo de su ex pareja. Ofendido, el hombre intenta hacer lo mismo que ella, pero el proceso no sucede según lo esperado y el protagonista debe atravesar la gigantesca marea de recuerdos de su propio cerebro para recomponer las cosas.
Excerpts from Soon
Excerpts from performances of Hal Hartley's play "Soon", a production inspired by the 1993 events in Waco, Texas involving the religious sect called the Branch Davidians and their collision with the US Federal Government.
The Cloud of Unknowing
A young doctor believes that the spirit of his late wife has possessed a troubled patient in his hospital.
New World Order
The diary of an occult novelist sends a young college student, on a journey into the paranormal and fantastic, evolving into a living nightmare of paranoia and terror.
Rosetta Stone es una biogenetista interesada en el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial. En uno de sus experimentos crea tres criaturas con aspecto humano pero que realmente son máquinas inteligentes. Estas tres "hermanas" clonadas viven juntas en un apartamento, cada una tiene su carácter particular, sus propios deseos y sueños, pero todas tienen dos cosas en común: son extremamente propensas a los gérmenes patógenos de las ciudades y sólo pueden equilibrar sus organismos con esperma masculino.
On the brink of her world tour, at the height of her success, alternative rock violinist, Gypsy, put down her violin and walked away... A man brutally beats his girlfriend to death and tosses her remains into a local river... A retired Boston PD detective isn't buying the news report of a local girl accidentally drowning... While Gypsy's unprecedented disappearance perplexes the entire music industry, she retreats with her husband to the desolation of Cape Cod in winter... Seeking refuge in his past, the murderer contacts his estranged brother and falls in love with his brother's wife, Gypsy... And then a body turns up on Cape Cod... And the detective isn't convinced that this will be the last... Here, in the smallest quietest corner of New England unfolds a disquieting tale of what happens when music meets murder... and a lyrical portrait of the ever-present guardians who preserve life's natural harmony.
La leyenda de Bagger Vance
Spec Hammond
Tras su heroico comportamiento en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Rannulph Junuh (Matt Damon) se hace muy popular. En 1931, lo invitan a enfrentarse a dos famosos jugadores en un torneo de golf, cuyo fin es inaugurar un nuevo campo y atraer la atención del público gracias a su presencia. Pero como Junuh no está al nivel de sus adversarios, decide contratar a un caddie muy especial, Bagger Vance (Will Smith), un misterioso joven negro que parece esconder más de un as en la manga.
The Book of Life
The end of the millenium has taken on a certain significance in modern day prophecies. What happens if Jesus Christ has second thoughts about the Apocalypse? It is December 31, 1999 and New Year's Eve takes on new meaning when the Devil, Jesus Christ, and Christ's assistant Magdelina discuss and debate the end of the world, the opening of the seven seals, and the essence of being human.
Degas and the Dancer
Edgar Degas
A struggling Degas finds inspiration for his art in Marie, a young ballerina. Degas helps Marie tap into the talent she doesn't believe she has while she convinces Degas to persevere despite criticism from the art establishment. An artist and model, they become friends and find in each other what they need to follow their dreams.
Henry Fool
Henry Fool
Simon, un barrendero introvertido y socialmente inadaptado, tiene que mantener con su trabajo a su depresiva madre y a su ninfómana hermana. Al barrio llega un nuevo vecino con el que entabla amistad. Es Henry Fool, un ex presidiario condenado por delitos sexuales.
The Pigs
A group of middle-aged men want out of their marriages, so they hire an ex-mercenary to do the dirty work. Before long, everyone wants in on the action, and the wives of a sleepy coastal town find themselves on the endangered gender list.