Vuksan Lukovac


Gorilla Bathes at Noon
A Red Army major caught between East and West Berlin finds his wife gone and somebody else moved into his apartment.
The Black Bomber
In a near-future Belgrade, a DJ stirs up trouble with his rocking anti-establishment broadcasts. After his station is shut down, he takes to the street and starts transmitting revolution with the police hot on his trail.
The Magic Snowman
The story of a snowman that talks to the boy who built him and helps his family when a fishing drought threatens their livelihood...
Story of a small group of people who think there is going to be an attack by a group of rabid animals. They perceive this danger through a trance they invoke by hitting their heads against a stone. They decide to oppose their enemy, and a fierce clash takes place.
Heads or Tails
A village fella tries to make it big in the city.
Variola Vera
An Albanian pilgrim, infected with an unknown disease, is on his way back to Belgrade from the Middle East. When doctors realize that it is a disease that has been considered eradicated, it is already too late - variola vera begins to languish and the hospital is quarantined.
La quinta ofensiva
Esta película narra la batalla de Sutjeska (mayo 1943) - la más dura en la que participaron los partisanos yugoslavos, que fueron el principal movimiento de resistencia en la lucha contra las fuerzas del Eje en los Balcanes durante la II Guerra Mundial.
The Rogue
Marko vuelve de Estados Unidos, donde ha pasado unos cuantos años, deseoso de impresionar a los habitantes de su pueblo natal, pero al final todo se vuelve contra él.
In Vojvodina during the war, a partisan commander Zarki fell into the hands of the local Germans. They bound him in chains and take him from one village to another, torturing him in public so he could tell the names from his movement. Bewildered by his resisting power, the Germans tend to break him down and destroy the pride which is his answer to their torture. Frenzied of powerlessness, they ultimately choose the most horrifying death - they buried him alive in the sand that will cover the last trait of him, but he died victorious: He died for his thing.
Before the Truth
Two men, who have been fighting on the enemy sides in WWII, meet in the jazz club twenty years after. Mladen, who was a partisan at the time, recognizes a familiar face of a man whom he was supposed to shot, but missed on purpose.
The Feast
In a Serbian village on Christmas Day in 1943, the Chetniks accept two downed American pilots and give them hospitality. However, finding out that the Germans are looking for pilots, the Chetniks change their attitude towards them.
The Feverish Years
A story about two people who didn't find their way in big city. He came from the countryside and works in steel factory, she's working in factory restaurant. Their lives change when they meet and fall in love.
The Return
First Assistant Editor
An-ex convict nicknamed Al Capone, who spent six years in jail, tries to adapt in new environment. Members of the two rival gangs try to engage him in their new ventures, but he wants to make a new start with the girl he loves. At the same time, a young criminal who shares the same nickname replaces him in these actions.
A group of people go on a picnic in the mountains. Longing for some love and understanding, they try to get close to one another, but the barriers are insurmountable. Failing to pull through their nutshells of solitude, they get back to the city, the eternal desert.
The Traitor
A psychological study of a hero who, after being badly beaten up by Gestapo, rats on his comrades and friends and becomes their vicious killer. Now the death seems like a salvation to him.