Nathalie Boutefeu

Nathalie Boutefeu

Nacimiento : 1968-01-01, Dijon, France


Nathalie Boutefeu


A Couple
"A Couple" is a film about a long term relationship between a man and a woman. The man is Leo Tolstoy. The woman is his wife, Sophia. They were married for 36 years, had 13 children nine of whom survived. Each kept a diary. Although they lived together, in the same house, they wrote letters frequently to each other. Leo Tolstoy insisted that they read their diaries aloud to guests at dinner parties. The Tolstoy’s were also a dysfunctional couple, arguing frequently and being very unhappy with each other while occasionally enjoying passionate moments of reconciliation. The film is Sophia’s monologue about the joys and struggles of their life together, loosely drawn from their letters to each other and their diary entries.
A Couple
Sophia Tolstaya
"A Couple" is a film about a long term relationship between a man and a woman. The man is Leo Tolstoy. The woman is his wife, Sophia. They were married for 36 years, had 13 children nine of whom survived. Each kept a diary. Although they lived together, in the same house, they wrote letters frequently to each other. Leo Tolstoy insisted that they read their diaries aloud to guests at dinner parties. The Tolstoy’s were also a dysfunctional couple, arguing frequently and being very unhappy with each other while occasionally enjoying passionate moments of reconciliation. The film is Sophia’s monologue about the joys and struggles of their life together, loosely drawn from their letters to each other and their diary entries.
The House of Solitude
Marion, an architect, while on the construction site of her new project learns that the construction manager is dead, by talking on the phone with the new one. This new acquaintance will complicate the woman’s relationship with her son.
Madeleine Collins
Judith lleva una doble vida entre Suiza y Francia. Por un lado, Abdel, con quien está criando a su hija en común. Por el otro, Melvil, con quien tiene dos hijos un poco mayores. Poco a poco, este frágil equilibrio hecho de mentiras, secretos e idas y venidas se va fracturando. Ante el desenmascaramiento, Judith elige la huída hacia adelante.
Al otro lado
Stéphanie Coincenot
Una joven aprendiz de relojería es encontrada muerta al pie de un acantilado. Parece un suicidio porque Manon, de 23 años y la única chica de su clase, se habría resquebrajado bajo la presión.
Las vidas de Marona
Medeea - Solange's Mother (voice)
Marona, una perrita inocente y empática, recuerda la vida que ha compartido con diferentes amos, a los que ha amado incondicionalmente.
Les Photographes
The Hoffmann's are a famous couple of photographers. They are called to Berlin to shoot a significant commissioned series, but this work will not proceed as planned.
A companion to the director's Le Dos Rouge/Portrait of the Artist. A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters.
Portrait of the Artist
Un cineasta reconocido que trabaja en su próxima película, dedicada a la monstruosidad en la pintura. Se guía en su investigación en una historiadora del arte con la que comenzó unos extraños y apasionados debates.
Adelaide and her two children Jean and Sacha spend a few days together in the mountains. As she takes her family on lengthy hikes, she is hoping for them to discover the trace of a hidden memory.
Les complices
One of a Kind
The mother of the little girl with leukemia
When Frédi loses his mother, he realizes she has passed her healing gift on to him. Frédi rejects it totally, tangled up in his own unhappiness, until a fatal accident changes everything. He is forced to acknowledge that he had healing hands.
Nights with Théodore
La narratrice
After meeting at a party, two young Parisians, Theodore and Anna, spend the night together in the city’s Parc des Buttes Chaumont. They return the next night, and the night after that, waiting for the park to empty of its daytime visitors so they can explore its familiar landmarks in solitude.
The Sinkholes
Five gigantic sinkholes have recently been discovered on a remote plateau on the other side of the world. A team of experts has made the trip to descend into the depths. Among them is professor Georges Lebrun, who has come with his wife.
Sandra's Mother
París, Francia. Fred y sus colegas, miembros de la BPM, la Unidad de Protección de Menores de la Policía, dedicada a perseguir todo tipo de delitos cometidos contra los más débiles, deben soportar el escrutinio de Melissa, una fotógrafa encargada de documentar gráficamente la rutina diaria del equipo.
The Moon Child
David, a professor of dermatology, has been treating 13-year-old Romain since he was a baby. Afflicted with a rare skin condition, Romain must avoid sunlight and is condemned to live in the shade. David and Romain have become the closest of friends and nothing can separate them. But then David learns that he is about to be transferred to another clinic in another town. How will he be able to break the news to Romain? And how will Romain cope with this new crisis in his life?
Louise Michel
Nathalie Lemel
Reconstrucción de un relevante segmento de la vida de la famosa militante anarquista francesa, que llegó a formar parte de la histórica Comuna de París. La acción comienza con la deportación de Michel a Nueva Caledonia en 1873. Allí rechazará recibir un trato especial por el mero hecho de ser mujer y se alineará junto a los partidarios de la independencia de dicha colonia. Además de su activismo político, la película retrata el resto de aspectos de la vida de la revolucionaria durante aquella complicada época, y da cuenta asimismo de las labores educativas que llevó a cabo entre los nativos durante los siete años que pasó en aquellas tierras hasta su establecimiento en la isla de Noumea.
Crónica de una mentira
Un estafador profesional se hace pasar por el jefe de una obra de una extensión de la autopista. Consigue embaucar a toda la región, contrata docenas de trabajadores y goza cínicamente de los beneficios de la estafa hasta que conoce a la alcaldesa del pequeño pueblo que la autopista va a cruzar. Ella le descubre un mundo desconocido para él: los sentimientos. ¿Hasta dónde llegará ahora para redimirse de sus propias mentiras?
La vie lointaine
It is a mild winter and Martin has just settled into the isolated house that was his father's. One night, at the edge of the woods, a strange man called Haruki appears before him. He invites Martin to lose himself in the forest in order to encounter a stranger. The stranger comes in the form of Yoshido, a peculiar Japanese filmmaker, who, assisted by Mathilde, is preparing to shoot a film based on Haruki's unfinished novel La Vie lointaine.
Monstre numéro deux
Antoine Barraud Short Film
Un secreto
En la Francia de la posguerra, "Un secret" narra el descubrimiento de un oscuro secreto de una familia judía francesa. Una historia vista a través de los ojos de un fantasioso hijo único llamado François, que no sólo se inventa un hermano mayor, sino también el pasado de sus padres. El día que cumple quince años se le desvela una verdad conmovedora..
Les Mains d'Andréa
A Perfect Couple
A French couple has been living in Lisbon for years, and they return to Paris for a friend's wedding. They announce to another friend they are having dinner with that they are going to split.
The Clear Eyes
Fanny (Nathalie Boutefeu) has a small grain. Even the children tease. She lives in the home of her brother, she discovers that his beautiful sister having an affair. She decided to go to Germany, find its roots...
Reyes y reina
Chloé Jenssens
Simbiosis de tragedia, comedia y melodrama que muestra la historia sentimental de Nora (Emmanuelle Devos), una madre burguesa que lleva una galería de arte, y de su antiguo amante, un violinista (Mathieu Amalric).
Su hermano
Thomas (Todeschini) se está muriendo y lo acepta con serenidad. Pero quiere esperar la muerte en la casa de la costa donde pasó su infancia. A su hermano Luc (Eric Caravaca), que lo acompaña, la dramática situación lo lleva a examinar su propia vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Une femme de ménage
jeune fille au concert
Jacques (Bacri), un ingeniero de mediana edad, no termina de recuperarse de la frustración que le ha causado el abandono de su mujer (Breillat) y vive en un estado de permanente desequilibrio emocional. Para devolver el orden y la limpieza a su apartamento, contrata los servicios de Laura (Dequenne), una joven de veinte años. Y, cuando ella se ve obligada a dejar su vivienda, convence a Jacques para que la deje vivir con él. Su juventud y atractivo alegrarán la vida del melancólico cincuentón que, poco a poco, y a pesar de su actitud reservada y desconfiada, queda atrapado en las redes de la joven y consigue superar su soledad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Le Chignon d'Olga
Julien and Emma are brother and sister, living in rural France with their father, who writes children's books. Julien is a gifted pianist but the loss of his mother has sucked the joie de vivre out of him; his best friend Alice knows it although their platonic relationship is more about him supporting her in bad relationship choices than anything else. When he sees a beautiful woman called Olga in a bookstore, Julien is smitten and sets about to set up someway of impressing her and winning her affection.
A+ Pollux
Halvard Sanz believes in the principle according to which we always meet people who really interest us twice. It’s written in the tables of how the world works, right next to the law of series and the constant speed of light. Halvard therefore believes that he’ll be able to find Pollux again. She’s the woman of his dreams, but he didn’t get the time to tell her so. Dizzy as a bee, he’ll charge head first into the plate glass window of life.
Agathe et le grand magasin
A bygone symbol of the luxury of yesteryear and a true institution in a provincial town, the "Grand Magasin" is living its last hours. Indeed, the management, which can no longer afford the establishment, is preparing to sell the store to a large distribution group. Agathe, a saleswoman in the men's department for more than 25 years, is shocked to discover that all the staff will be laid off. Feeling both betrayed and responsible for the future of the "Grand Magasin", she becomes a passionaria, leading her colleagues to revolt, a true leader. The operation finally seems to bear fruit when the sale is cancelled and a new director is appointed.
Pau y su hermano
Àlex es un joven que trabajaba en el puerto de Barcelona, pero un día, cansado de su vida rutinaria, decidió dejarlo todo e irse a vivir lejos de la ciudad, a un pequeño pueblo del Pirineo catalán. Pasó el tiempo y su familia comenzaba a preocuparse por la falta de noticias sobre él, hasta que les llega la noticia de que se ha suicidado. Su hermano Pau y su madre Mercè viajan al pueblo donde Àlex vivió los últimos meses para conocer los detalles y los motivos de su suicidio. Allí conocen a Sara, su novia. Cada uno de ellos descubre un nuevo Àlex a través de los otros y su ausencia les ayudará a replantearse sus objetivos y carencias. Todos buscan otra forma de vivir. Cuando se separen, ninguno de ellos será el mismo.
Las confesiones del doctor Sachs
Viviane, la serveuse
Bruno Sachs es un médico de pueblo que atiende en su consulta todo tipo de enfermedades, incluso psicológicas. En el pueblo sólo hay otro médico, que es mayor que él, y al que manda algunos pacientes. Además, Sachs es cirujano y, con motivo de una operación, conocerá a una mujer capaz de sacarlo de la mediocridad espiritual.
Nothing About Robert
Violaine Rachat
Didier never knew that a wrong film review of a film which he did not bother to watch would land him in numerous troubles.
A woman and a man recount their first sexual encounters to each other as they get out of bed and get dressed.
À l'ombre des grands baobabs
A César nominated short drama about a mother, her daughter and her fiancé who live in a remote woodland cottage and of the days before their wedding.
Une mère comme on n'en fait plus
Port Djema
A doctor learns some things he never expected to know as he searches for a friend on a mission of mercy in this drama. Pierre Feldman (Jean-Yves Dubois) is a French physician who visits the African nation of Port Djema in hopes of finding a close friend and colleague. Port Djema is being torn apart by a bloody civil war, and Pierre's friend, a fellow doctor, went there as a medical volunteer. He's since disappeared, and Pierre hopes to track down his friend and a child under his care. As Pierre is plunged deeper into the nation's civil unrest, he becomes acquainted with Alice (Nathalie Boutefeu), a cab driver who serves as Pierre's guide and appears to have known his friend; and Jerome (Christophe Odent), a French official in Port Djema who seems to know more than he's willing to tell about the fate of a number of French citizens. Port Djema earned a Silver Bear for director Eric Heumann at the 1997 Berlin International Film Festival.
Irma Vep
Un director francés desea recuperar el serial "Les Vampires" de Feuillade, pero al no encontrar una actriz francesa adecuada para interpretar a Irma Vep, la protagonista, decide contratar a Maggie Cheung, una actriz asiática que no sabe un palabra de francés. Sin embargo, son muchos los que creen que la obra de Feuillade carece de interés, razón por la cual los problemas se suceden desde el principio tanto dentro como fuera del plató.
The Butterfly's Dream
This European existential drama utilizes complex symbols inspired by abstract psychological theories to explore the effects and reasons behind a young classical actor's decision to stop talking. No one knows why Massimo has vowed to stop talking. Other than speaking dialog from classical plays, Massimo refuses to say a single word. His father, a classic-literature professor believes it reflects to a disappointing love affair. His new girlfriend thinks Massimo is rebelling against his mother, a poet. A director learns of Massimo and commissions his mother to write a play about him. Though Massimo plays himself in the play, and does speak, he returns to silence when the play is finished.
A New Life
In a shock after her mother’s sudden death, warehouse forklift driver Tina seeks out the rich, enigmatic businessman father she has never known and discovers a half-sister, Lise.
Les Yeux au Plafond
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.