Madeleine Millar


Inbred (Engendros)
Costume Design
Un variopinto grupo de delincuentes juveniles y sus supervisores viajan hacia un remoto pueblo de Yorkshire, Mortlake, para realizar allí un fin de semana de servicios comunitarios. Pero Mortlake está orgullosa de ser una comunidad cerrada, que apenas necesita nada del mundo exterior, por lo que los roces entre locales y forasteros no se hacen esperar. Un pequeño accidente desencadenará una espiral de violencia que arrastrará a todos los implicados a una pesadilla repleta de sangre y humor negro como el azabache.
Soul Flowers
Costume Design
Andy Butters throws aside the dependable potato and risks the future of his farm and daughter on magical Soul Flowers.
Costume Design
Runaways Luke and Ellen are caught breaking into an older, Victorian styled swimming facility one evening. As they only want a warm place to sleep, Martin, the person on patrol, lets them stay on the proviso that they don't break anything else. As Luke and Ellen go swimming in the pool, Luke spots Martin voyeuristically watching them. That small act begins an emotionally charged situation involving all three, but which was only supposed to involve Luke and Martin.
King Ponce
Costume Design
Robbo has a passion for ballroom dancing but, being the new kid at school, he doesn't want anyone to find out, especially not Gaz and his gang, with whom he's beginning to gain a coveted acceptance. Does Robbo have the confidence to stand up to the potential social consequences, or will he forever be labeled a 'ponce'?