In a world of Love, Lies, and Prejudice; a "hard-faced" strip club owner Tim struggles to deal with his sexuality. It becomes troublesome when Tims mother Myrtle, who lives with Dementia befriends a Transvestite named Pansy after landing in trouble with the local shopkeeper. Tim and Pansy's relationship intensifies when the favour is returned in Pansy's hour of need.
Una guerra de pandillas viciosas por el dominio de las drogas atrae a un veterano de las fuerzas especiales John Bradley. Tratando de adaptarse a la vida normal y atormentado por demonios internos de un pasado violento, la retribución del hampa en su última conexión con la humanidad, una hija y un nieto conduce a un descenso de furia y violencia que ni siquiera la brutalidad del gangland está preparada.
In the shadow of the Range Rover murders, drugs, violence and revenge continue to reign in a criminal underworld even darker and deadlier than before as a new generation of Essex Boys begin to carve their bloody mark.
Detective Brooks
Cuando una jóven de dieciseis años procedente de Ucrania, una madre soltera originaria de Rusia, una joven de diecisiete años de Rumanía y una jóven turista son víctimas de una red de tráfico de mujeres para la prostitución, el equipo de agentes de ICE que lucha por desenmascarar la organización que articula este horror descubre una conspiración de proporciones globales.
Eight guys from a crime organization in London are sent to guard a coffin.
James Matthews
Un hombre sin pretensiones tiene un pasado secreto. El problema lo sigue dondequiera que vaya. Sin saberlo, Lisa se hace amiga de él y pronto descubre la verdad detrás de su pasado.
Derek Bishop
Through flashbacks, Full English Breakfast follows the violent career of Dave Bishop (Dave Courtney) a small-time London villain who kills his way to the top of Britain's drugs empire. Now happily 'retired' on the Kent coast Dave becomes embroiled in a bloody battle of wits with Al Qaeda terrorists who want to take over his criminal empire. Adding to the old mobster's woes is his younger trophy wife (Lucy Drive) wanting to play away with his new driver (Jamie Bannerman).
When he is released from a young Offender's Institute, Bobby Brewer a wayward 16 year old, is forced to take to the road with his errant troubadour father, Ronnie.
Speech Chairman
The true story of Robert Elliot Burns, the prisoner who, after being sentenced to a Georgia chain gang, attempted two daring escapes.
A British comedy about a bunch of bungling but lovable bank robbers, Ox and Spud are released from prison after serving twenty years in prison, it is now time to recruit and re-form The Magpies! This film was finished off during the lockdown and released on youtube free for all to watch in the hope it will cheer people up, give them a giggle, and help forget the misery covid-19 has brought to 2020
A grief-stricken woman revisits an old seaside haunt where her chance meeting with a teenage boy re-opens channels of communication with the past.